Circle of Love Woman to Woman
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Circle of Love Woman to Woman


作者: Nancy G·Bennett
出版年: 2007-8
页数: 76
定价: $ 12.37
ISBN: 9780595454341







This book was written as a tribute to anyone who has fallen in love lost them and through fate, or destiny or just plain dumb luck was able to find them again. This book took on a life of its own following the beginnings of a new relationship through the heartbreak of separation through a reunion all the way through the exchange of vows. Not able to express my feelings verbally these poems became my voice. Written from my heart, words derived from my soul, declaring my love of another, woman to woman. My wall so strong finally penetrated, I accepted the love of another, fully exposing myself. Life interfered, too many distractions, the separation was almost more than I could endure. The hurt overflowed into my everyday existence. The reunion at last almost made me forget the pain. It will always be there but hidden, tucked away in some crevice with other hurts I have experienced throughout my life. "Circle of Love Woman to Woman" is complete. The ribbon that encircles us is stronger, brighter, and permanent.

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