A Few Well Chosen Words
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A Few Well Chosen Words


作者: David Bouchier
出版年: 2007-5
页数: 260
定价: $ 20.28
ISBN: 9780595445967







David Bouchier brings humor and insight to the quirks and puzzles of everyday life, from buying vitamin pills to reading poetry on the subways. These entertaining commentaries were first broadcast on public radio stations in Long Island and Connecticut, where Bouchier's quirky and clever humor has made him the most popular public radio personality in the region. Every week for the past twelve years Bouchier has plucked a topic from the chaos of ordinary life and subjected it to his special brand of ironic scrutiny. Nothing is too small or too vast to attract his attention: stuffed bears, NASCAR racing, reincarnation, the federal tax system, and shopping in Florida all find a place in this spirited and funny collection of astute observations and whimsical opinions. "A Few Well Chosen Words" is the third collection of Bouchier's public radio commentaries on his life as an immigrant in America. Readers will relish his fresh approach to subjects like time and memory, the rituals that carry us through the year, our obsession with health and fitness, the horrors of travel, and the many annoyances of modern life.

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