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作者: Judy Spurr
出版年: 2007-10
页数: 84
定价: $ 10.11
ISBN: 9780595439157







A short, empathetic novel for middle-schoolers that addresses learning disabilities and bullying. Retired teacher Spurr's prior experience with learning-disabled children shines as she compassionately illustrates the world of Jamie Parker and the way dyslexia affects his everyday life. Jamie's learned much from his fisherman father (who isn't a great reader but has a wealth of practical knowledge about nature), but still doesn't understand why his dad is so adamant that Jamie focus on schoolwork. School is difficult for Jamie-dyslexia not only makes coursework a challenge, but he is subjected to the bullying of Ray Quinn. He would far rather spend the day on his dad's boat than in the classroom. Jamie's first year of middle school promises to be the same as all the others-special reading classes, abuse from Ray and stress headaches-with the exception of finding a friend in newcomer Oscar. Over the course of several months, Jamie grows as he experiences success on the soccer field, collaborates on an interesting research project with Oscar and realizes the unfortunate circumstances that motivate Ray's behavior. Oscar and Jamie have complementary skills in school and learn a great deal about Native Americans for an important social studies project, as well as learn a difficult lesson about bullying when their project disappears, leaving them with the threat of failing their class. When Jamie's dog Mac has an accident, Ray plays a pivotal role, and because of this new bond, the relationship among the three boys is transformed. The book contains age-appropriate vocabulary and natural dialogue, with likable characters that help flesh out the absorbing plot. Readers learn about human behavioras the book opens topics-including disabilities, families and the local environment-for further discussion. Nicely executed fiction with a neatly-resolved ending that will leave readers smiling.-Kirkus Discoveries

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