I Will be by Your Side Forever
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I Will be by Your Side Forever


作者: DL Porter
出版年: 2007-10
页数: 216
定价: $ 16.89
ISBN: 9780595431151







Many people have encountered a life threatening situation in which death seemed absolutely certain, yet against all reason something happens in the blink of an eye and tragedy is averted. In many cases, a person will be forewarned by a thought or voice that runs through their mind. For example, you drive home from work traveling the same route everyday, but one day the thought comes to mind to take another route. Nothing happens, but what might have happened if you had not followed that thought? Then there are those who face potentially tragic experiences many times and for some reason they are miraculously saved from death or critical injury every time. Matt Spencer is one of those rare people who will escape what seems to be inevitable disaster many times, and he has no idea why he miraculously survives seemingly hopeless situations. Could it be guardian angels really do exist? Or could it be the love Matt and Katherine shared for each other was so strong, God refused to allow a tragedy to come between them and their life of happiness together?

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