That Dear Land
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That Dear Land


作者: Charles S Fox
出版年: 2007-2
页数: 64
定价: $ 11.24
ISBN: 9780595429547







Among the first wave of Baby Boomers, Charles S. Fox was born in the wilds of Hollywood, California of an Irish father and a Norwegian mother, hence the ancient Norse/Irish battles rage in his blood. Throughout his school years he was noted for his leadership, his ability to talk himself into and out of tight spots and a penchant for the written word. It soon became apparent that young master Fox was, as some put it, "Such a ham he should sleep on a hook at night " Fox has been named "Irishman of the Year" by the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick of San Diego and the Irish Congress of Southern California. In 1984 he served as Chairman of the San Diego Irish Olympic Team Host Committee and is a member of the American Ireland Fund Dinner Committee. His writing has earned him awards from the Press Club of San Diego and the International Society of Poets. He continues his career as a journalist, novelist, documentary producer/writer and screenwriter, having retreated to his Druidesque, canyon side treehouse with his wife Sheila (she of the Kellys and Doyles) and his Golden Retriever, Casey.

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