The Origin of the Mosque of Cordoba
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The Origin of the Mosque of Cordoba


作者: Marvin H Mills
出版年: 2007-1
页数: 140
定价: $ 14.63
ISBN: 9780595423255







This book represents twenty years of thought and research on perhaps the greatest Islamic monument in Spain- the Mosque of Cordoba. The unfolding of the mystery of its origin goes back to Atlantis when an era of world civilization made possible the birth of a community called Tartessos in Andalusia. This sophisticated society welcomed the trading Phoenicians in the 12th century BC. Together they designed and built essentially the structure that Islam adapted to their use as a mosque in the 8th century AD. But new evidence gathered by the architect, Marvin Mills, fails to support this contention as we examine the architecture and history of the building and realize that another provenance is indicated. Even the orientation of he mosque is suspect as it fails to orient to Mecca. And Carbon-14 dating indicates a much older attribution. Revelations such as these will make it impossible to continue as usual in the progress of the field of Spanish architecture, Phoenicians in the West, the reality of Atlantis without dealing with this new approach. Insights into the famous Alhambra in Granada and Madina Azahara, the palace-city outside of Cordoba, add to the new perspective by challenging their origins as well.

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