Flight 412
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Flight 412


作者: Glenn P Clinger III
出版年: 2006-11
页数: 384
定价: $ 24.80
ISBN: 9780595419388







When a commercial airliner goes down in the mountains west of Washington D.C., Kevin Jensen, a ten year veteran of the NTSB is called in to investigate. The flight manifest reveals the names of the Secretary of Defense and another prominent Senator. Jensen also discovers his best friend was the pilot of the doomed plane. When the press interviews a witness who claims a missile brought down the plane, Jensen receives a visit from the CIA. National Airlines has a history of mechanical infractions and soon Bill Harcourt, a west coast personal injury attorney, comes forward with a class action suit against National. Jensen faced with a national media frenzy and having to deal with the CIA, realizes someone does not want the truth out in the open. As witnesses begin to die and information is missing, it is obvious a cover-up is taking place. "Flight 412," takes the reader on a roller coaster ride as lawyers, politicians and government agents all struggle to mold the investigation to their own agenda. With this circus going on around him, Jensen tries to determine the real reason for the crash and save his dead friend's reputation.

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