American Genius
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American Genius


作者: Libby Hughes  |  Marian R·Carlson
出版年: 2006-12
页数: 160
定价: $ 18.02
ISBN: 9780595418800







"Longfellow's magnificent poems have resonated for decades with readers young and old from all walks of life across the nation. Hughes and Carlson present the story of his fascinating and inspiring life and legacy with great skill. Their insights will be of interest to all who enjoy the poetry of this extraordinary giant in our history and want to learn more about him."-Senator Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts "A lively and profound account of Longfellow's life for young adults."-Senator Robert C. Byrd of West Virginia "This timely volume will introduce to today's young adult readers an American Poet who was unforgettable to former generations."-Janet E. Scinto, Houghton Library, Harvard University "I found it engaging, well researched, and well thought out."-Catherine Cote, Librarian, Lexington, MA The life story of Longfellow is full of drama, romance, and tragedy. The poet was born in a small seaport village in Maine. There, he began his dreams, gazing across the vast ocean to Europe. His dreams came true in a very unlikely profession-poetry. His fame reached far and wide, drawing him into the highest circles of society. Though sorrow came with his success, he continued to produce some of his most eloquent works, still quoted 200 years after his birth. Such poems as "Paul Revere's Ride," "Tales of a Wayside Inn," "Evangeline," "A Psalm of Life," "The Courtship of Miles Standish," and "The Song of Hiawatha" are some of his more memorable works.

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