A Superior Romance
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A Superior Romance


作者: Robert L Williams
出版年: 2006-8
页数: 216
定价: $ 16.89
ISBN: 9780595407194







When I began working on this story I had a specific goal in mind-I wanted to give my grandchildren some sense of the kind of person my father was. He was encouraging, he was knowledgeable, he was helpful and he was a good listener. He was such a big influence on me but he did not live long enough to ever see my grandchildren. I was afraid the only thing they would ever know of him was a name on a marker in a cemetery so I thought I should put together some of my memories of Lee Williams. Alas, as I organized my ideas I ran into a problem. I couldn't write about Dad and my teen-age years without telling of my teen-age romances. I didn't want to hurt anybody's feelings so I had to alter some stories and craft new ones. And once the stories became fiction this story literally began to re-write the past. When the world of fantasy is found to be so much more pleasurable than the real world what is wrong with enjoying our dreams for a little while?

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