The Lady in the Spitfire
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The Lady in the Spitfire


作者: Helena P Schrader
出版年: 2006-7
页数: 324
定价: $ 22.54
ISBN: 9780595401512







Returning from his first combat mission over Germany with a damaged B-17 and a wounded tail gunner, Lt. Jay Baronowsky of the US Eighth Air Force is forced to divert due to weather. In heavy cloud he nearly collides with an RAF bomber. On landing, he is shocked to discover that a woman piloted the RAF aircraft. However, he soon finds himself fascinated by the attractive and highly professional woman pilot. The Englishwoman is a sharp contrast to his American fiance, who seems to have no understanding for what he is going through. Jay makes every effort to meet the English woman pilot, Emily, socially. Emily resists Jay's attentions. She has not yet recovered from the loss of her RAF pilot husband, Robin, who has been posted missing. In fact, she is not yet willing to admit that he is dead. But there seems to be no harm in having dinner with Jay or showing him a bit of the country. One thing leads inevitably to another, and Emily soon discovers that she likes Jay very much indeed. But should she risk getting involved with another pilot flying against Germany?

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