An Infrequent Pairing
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An Infrequent Pairing


作者: SaFiya Dalilah
出版年: 2006-5
页数: 224
定价: $ 18.02
ISBN: 9780595395408







""So, when are you going to let me take you out again?" asked Dillon, leaning over the armrest between us. "Well, I'm not sure, I'll have to check my calendar" I said, bashfully leaning away from him and the pull I was feeling to kiss his lips. Ouch. I hope he didn't see me bump the back of my head against the window, I thought. I think she bumped her head, mused Dillon. He leaned over closer. It must be the moon, I thought. The moon works in mysterious ways. People are oftentimes inclined to do things in the night that they might find unthinkable by the light of day. It has got to be the moon. I tried to reason with myself. Why am I sitting here playing hard to get when I know darn well that I want to kiss this man? I searched Dillon's eyes for an answer but his facial expression betrayed his thought process. I think she wants to kiss me. Nah, maybe it's just the Grand Marnier talking. I'll let her make the first move." -Excerpt, "An Infrequent Pairing" Whimsical and provocative. "An Infrequent Pairing" is an arousing narrative of life's conundrums and passions.

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