Three Women
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Three Women


作者: Rodolfo de Paolis
出版年: 2006-4
页数: 312
定价: $ 21.41
ISBN: 9780595378609







Shortly before the onset of hostilities in Europe in 1939, the celebrated Italian conductor, Maestro Marcantonio Omodei, departs Rome to accept a position with New York's Metropolitan Opera Company under Toscanini. His wife, Anita, plans to join him after the arrival of their precious baby. Christened Marcus Aurelius, the boy is born amidst the first salvos of the European war. Separated from his family for the duration of hostilities, the Maestro is forced, enemy alien status notwithstanding, to endure the mild discomforts of wartime New York City, while mother and child are left to face an uncertain future. Reconciled to a long separation from the one true love of her life, Anita manages the resulting trials with grit and humor. The experience stirs her to reassess her ancestral values, a process that dramatically transforms not only her world, but also her very being. Through it all, Anita is abetted by two childhood friends: Adriana, a blasphemous and fiercely cynical spinster, and a worldly nun named Eugenia. Wrenched from the fringes of her relatively humdrum purgatory, Anita is swept into the vortex of a developing tempest and the deceptive calm that follows its conclusion.

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