Stress Reduction Journal
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Stress Reduction Journal


作者: Trina Swerdlow
出版年: 2005-11
页数: 216
定价: $ 20.28
ISBN: 9780595374557







Are You Ready to Meditate and Journal Your Way to Better Health? This "Stress Reduction Journal" will assist you in managing stress from the inside out. Through meditating and journaling, you'll acquire skills for calming the tensions of both your mind and body. Numerous scientific studies provide concrete evidence of the physical and psychological benefits that regular meditation offers. These studies are based on the same meditation method that is taught in this book. The health benefits of meditation include: significant lowering of blood pressure; reducing stress and stress-related diseases; as well as, decreasing anxiety and depression. Journaling is another effective method for lowering stress and improving your health. Through the practical tools in this book-you'll learn how to: Meditate and journal Transform self-criticism into self-acceptance Tap into your inner wisdom for guidance Replace undesirable urges (like overeating) with healthy habits Tame anxious thoughts and make room for more joy 'Trina Swerdlow's "Stress Reduction Journal" offers an innovative, mind-body-spirit approach to managing stress. Its beautiful interplay of meditation and journaling methods is powerful and effective. You will gain practical tools for lowering stress, while becoming deeply acquainted with yourself." -Martin L. Rossman, M.D. Author of "Guided Imagery for Self-Healing"

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