Proverbs and Principles for Parenting Practically Perfect Progeny
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Proverbs and Principles for Parenting Practically Perfect Progeny


作者: Jean Stockdale
出版年: 2007-1
页数: 196
定价: $ 22.54
ISBN: 9780929292229







"When the nurse placed our first son, Jason, into my arms and announced that we were free to go home, sheer panic shot through my body and caused it to stiffen with fear and dread. For a moment I had trouble breathing. My pensive expression seemed frozen on my face as I pondered, 'What have I gotten myself into?'"As I looked into the downy, soft face of my newborn, my thoughts raced and my emotions threatened to overwhelm me and break forth into wracking sobs. I reached down and gently touched his tiny face. I was lost in the gaze of his blue eyes. For a moment our eyes meet and I sat transfixed by the miracle of life and the glorious love gift God had entrusted to us. And now Craig and I were about to take this little one home to begin a new season in our lives. My only thought as I looked into the face of my darling newborn was, 'If you knew how little your dad and I know about raising a child, you would not be so anxious to go home with us '"Since I was a new mom, the reality of training a child in the way he should go and bringing him up in the fear and nurture of the Lord was an overwhelming prospect to me. I have not forgotten those angst-ridden early days of mothering. That crystal-clear memory is what drives me to write a Bible study geared toward mothers of children of all ages."Join Jean Stockdale in a pithy pilgrimage through Proverbs as she show moms of children from toddlers through teens how to impact their families for time and eternity through the art of Christian homemaking and childrearing. The interactive workbook also contains a leader guide and helps for churches desiring to begin this thought-provoking, seven-week study.

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