Do They Grow Out of it?
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Do They Grow Out of it?


作者: Lily Trokenberg Hechtman
出版年: 1996-6
页数: 320
定价: $ 79.10
ISBN: 9780880487030







What happens to children with psychiatric disorders as they mature? Many children experience attention-deficit-hyperactivity disorder, depression, suicidal behavior, anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, schizophrenia, and conduct disorder. Long-term outcome of childhood disorders is becoming increasingly more important as clinicians, teachers, and parents take a broader, more comprehensive view of childhood disorders, their natural history, their developmental impact, later adolescent and adult functioning, and their possible multigenerational consequences. Developmental factors pertaining to the child, such as the age at onset and severity of the disorder, other comorbid conditions, the child's sex and IQ, and physical or neurological health, all seem important in influencing outcome. In addition, social factors, such as socioeconomic status, family composition, mental health of parents, family functioning, and child-rearing practices seem to affect outcome. Finally, the impact of treatment is also crucial because it provides a picture of long-term efficacy of various approaches. Do They Grow Out of It? Long-Term Outcomes of Childhood Disorders is the first comprehensive review of this important area that familiarizes clinicians and others about long-term outcomes of childhood disorders. This book will guide their present interventions, which will improve long-term outcome in the future. Each chapter is written by a professional with expertise in both the disorder and its long-term sequelae. The authors critically review available information on long-term outcome of the particular childhood disorder; what factors, particularly treatments, influence this outcome; and what future research or clinical directions appear promising.

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