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Basic Books

出版社:Perseus Books Group Basic Books Penguin 简介:Basic Books is a book publisher founded in 1952 and located in New York. It publishes books in the fields of psychology, philosophy, economics, science, politics, sociology, current affairs, and history. Basic Books publishes new works in African and African-American studies under the Basic Civitas imprint. Basic's list of authors includes Christopher Andrew, Anthony Appiah, Isaac Asimov, Robert Axelrod, Susan R. Barry, Daniel Bell, John Bradshaw, Allan Brandt, Richard Brookhiser, Zbigniew Brzezinski, William F. Buckley, Stephen Carter, Iris Chang, George Chauncey, Stephanie Coontz, Dinesh D’Souza, Devra Davis, Richard Dawkins, Hernando de Soto, Jared Diamond, Michael Eric Dyson, Thomas B. Edsall, Richard Evans, Graham Farmelo, Niall Ferguson, Richard Feynman, Richard Florida, Robin Lane Fox, Sigmund Freud, Howard Gardner, Henry Louis Gates, Jr., Clifford Geertz, George Gilder, Barry Glassner, Robert Harms, Judith L. Herman, Christopher Hitchens, Douglas Hofstadter, Samuel P. Huntington, Jacqueline Jones, June Jordan, Leszek Kołakowski, Lawrence Krauss, Irving Kristol, George Lakoff, Edward Larson, Christopher Lasch, Mary Lefkowitz, Lawrence Lessig, Claude Levi-Strauss, Bernard Lewis, Robert Jay Lifton, Jeff Madrick, Nelson Mandela, Benoit Mandelbrot, Ernst Mayr, Walter A. McDougall, John McWhorter, Dana Milbank, Alice Miller, Walter Mosley, Charles Murray, Richard John Neuhaus, Donald Norman, Robert Nozick, Joseph S. Nye, Jr., James T. Patterson, Orlando Patterson, Jean Piaget, Steven Pinker, Karl Popper, Samantha Power, Diane Ravitch, Eugene Rogan, Juliet Schor, Brent Scowcroft, Anne-Marie Slaughter, Lee Smolin, Timothy Snyder, Thomas Sowell, Ian Stewart, Cass Sunstein, Beverly Daniel Tatum, Lester Thurow, Sherry Turkle, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Michael Walzer, Elizabeth Warren, George Weigel, Steven Weinberg, Cornel West, Frank Wilczek, A.N. Wilson, James Q. Wilson, Irvin Yalom, Shing-Tung Yau, and Fareed Zakaria.

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