Be neat_FBI教你破解身体语言书评-查字典图书网
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Benthamyang FBI教你破解身体语言 的书评 发表时间:2013-03-03 19:03:49

Be neat

It is said that every one is created equal. Maybe it is true. But people get so different once he has been born.

People 's mind get changed tremendously either. It was naturally for a child to pursue for perfection in all aspects. But soon, he will found it would be impossible. Like one glass pot, once it was broken, it would be no need for other facilities to be integrally complete. Simply saying, not everything in your hand any more.

This book reminds readers that you should all the time try your best to be neat, clean, appropriate, and keen to others. Be acute as a expert of human behavior researcher, as curious as it is your first time to witness the stranger and funny reaction of human being. Only by that way, you add more joy to your life, enhance more availability to success, improve your own taste of individual mankind emotional experience.

After all, human being is one kind of animal. Isn't it a interesting thing to study each other's movement or feeling?

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对“Be neat”的回应

小黑眼豆豆豆 2014-01-04 23:22:26
