4月11日晚10点05分,北京卫视“搜城记”节目《养生 我们听谁的》,由著名营养学家洪昭光和反伪科学斗士、生化博士方舟子与林“博士”同台亮相,面斥林光常的“另类养生法”,林当晚贩卖的所谓养生“新理论”无非是近几个月来他在各地电视台频频露脸时鼓吹的那番陈词滥调,如果说什么要少吃可乐、薯片等垃圾食品还言之成理,而什么牛奶是牛喝的人不能喝、鱼、蛋要少吃就基本属于扯淡了,属于这哥们为一鸣惊人而故作的惊人之语,不如此何以夺人眼球,何以贩卖他那本《无毒一身轻》?
其实,进口水果上那组阿拉伯数字,称作Plu number (price look up code),英文维基解释如下:
Price Look-Up codes or Product Lookup Number, commonly called PLU
codes or PLU numbers, are identification numbers affixed to produce in
grocery stores and supermarkets to make check-out and inventory
control easier, faster, and more accurate. The code is a four-digit
number, currently in the 3000-4000 range, identifying the type of bulk
produce (and related items such as nuts and herbs), usually including
the variety. Organic produce is denoted by a five-digit number whose
first digit is 9; an 8 prefix indicates genetically modified food. The
codes have been in use since 1990. Currently, there are over 1300
universal PLU codes assigned.
PLC码属于商品条码系统中的店内条码(In-Store Marking)。
店内条码是指由使用之商店自行编码印制使用之条码,仅於店内使用,不对外流通为原则,适用於非大量规格化的商品,例如生鲜蔬果等。常用的店内条码有PLU-13码,PLU-8码,NONPLU-13码及NONPLU-8码四种.其中PLU (Price Look Up) 为价格检索型,意思是在店内条码中没有代表商品价格的号码,必须要透过扫瞄器读取条码后,由电脑从商品主档的价格才可查出,主要是使用在销售量大的商品;而所谓的NONPLU (Non Price Look Up) 为非价格检索型,就在店内条码
Compiled By: James H. Culbert
Last Updated: 21 Jul 2004
PLU stands for Price Look-Up code. PLUs are assigned for use with
fresh produce that are sold loose, bunched, or in bulk (i.e. an
individual apple or a bunch of greens). Because the average person
cannot determine, for example, whether an apple is a Fugi or a Gala by
looking at it, a PLU code is used by retailers to quickly determine
the price at checkout. The PLU code is entered by the cashier at the
cash register, and the item is weighed. The PLU code tells the
store's database the identity of the item and the cost per pound or
PLU Codes
A PLU code contains 4 or 5 digits. As of July 2004, the Produce
Electronic Information Board (PEIB) has assigned about 1370 PLUs (this
includes codes designated as retailer assigned).
Organically grown produce is coded by adding a "9" in front of the
four digit PLU code. For example, an organically grown banana would
be "94011". Genetically engineered produce is coded by adding an "8"
in front of the four digit PLU code. For example, a genetically
engineered banana would be "84011". For imported produce, if only one
number is provided in the PLU list, it is used. If two numbers are
provided (east and west), then the west code is used for imports. For
produce grown in Canada, if only one number is provided in the PLU list,
it is used. If two numbers are provided, the east number is used to
identify items grown east of the Ontario/Manitoba border, and the west
number for items grown west of the Ontario/Manitoba border. There are
different numbers for east and west mainly due to pricing differences.
An apple grown in Washington State, for example, will probably have a
different cost than one grown in another area.
综上可知,在北美地区生产的新鲜农作物,包括水果和蔬菜,坚果和香草(药草),都会贴上一个叫做PLU code的标签,方便店家扫描以得知价格、品种等信息。此外,PLU code还有另一个作用,如果这个数字是个4位数,则代表此农作物是用传统的种植方法栽培而成。如果这个数字是个5位数,且以「9」打头,则是有机农产品。如果是个5位数,而且以「8」开头,则是转基因产品。
http://www.innvista.com/HEALTH/foods/plucodes_123.htm 大家可以去这个网站看看每个plu码对应的是什么产品。【方舟子按:该编码标准由行业组织“农产品销售联合会”(Produce Marketing Association)制定,与农业部无关】