美国版“蔡康永”的说话之道,_How to Talk to Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere书评-查字典图书网
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Hammer_ How to Talk to Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere 的书评 发表时间:2011-12-25 11:12:52


           We do it everyday, but talking to people, especially peple i don't know, can be a dauting challenge for me. Larry King shares his secrets of communciating confidently and effectively in any siuation in this book. There are simple techniques for getting your listeners on your side and getting your message across.

          As Larry King says, talk is the most essential form of human communication, the one that distinguishes us as a species.In fact, it's been estimated the average person speaks eighteen thousand words a day. So why not develop our skills to become the best talkers we can be?

         Let's start right now. Just buy a book and turn the page.

        Hey, Heribie, listen up!(^o^)/~



★(it's my favourite)

★1.It's true that talking has come naturally to me,but even those who have a natural ability for something have to work to develop it . That's what turns a talent into a skill.

2.Everyone is an expert on something,Everyone got at least one subject they love to talk about.

3.Whether the setting is social or professional, one of the first thing to accomplish in talking to people is to put them at ease.

4.The best way i have found to overcome shyness is to remind yourself of the old saying that the person you are taking to puts his pants on one leg at a time. The cliche is an effective way of illustrating that we are all human beings.

5. Talk to people about themselves and they will listen for hours.

6.Stop-Look-Listen. Good follow-up questions are the mark of a good conversationalist.

★(每个人都是自恋狂哈!)7.Remember that the people you are taling to are a hundred times more interested in themselves and their wants and problems than they are in you and your problems.

8. Be natural. Speak from the heart.

★9.Today the key word in being successful in your social talk is relevance. Be open.Find the common ground with your partner. And, always, LISTEN!

10.The greatest question of all time; WHY?

11.If he or she isn't interested in the subjects that interest you ,exucse yourself politely. Then move on . There is bound to be someone else in the room who is more fun for you to talk to.

12. Whether you mean it or not, these remarks tell the celebrities that they are old.(想拿刀砍人了有木有。。。)

13.A common mistake in talking to celebrities is to stereotype them as people whoo don't know anything about anthing else escept thir professions.

14.Successful people are successful talkers, and vice versa.(or to say, most successful people are successful talkers. Not surprisingly ,the reverse is also true)


What the best talkers have in common.

a.They look at things form a new angle, takling unexpected point of view on familiar subjects.

b.They have broad horizon.They think about, and talk about , a wide range of issues and experiences beyond their own daily lives.

c. They are enthusiastic, displaying a passion for what they are doing with their lives and an interest in what you are saying to them at that moment.

d They don't about themselves all the time.

e.They are curious. They ask "Why"

f.They empathize. They try to put themselves in your place, to relate to what you are saying.

g. They have a sense of humor.(自嘲是一个很有用的技巧~)

h.They have their own style of talking.

★(不要一直很严肃,很无聊的)16.When i am giving a speech, one of my own cardinal rules is "Never stay too serious too long" That same applies to conversation, maybe more so.

17. That is an important point to remember about humor. Whatever your style of humor is , let it come into the conversation naturally. Professional comedians know that timeing is everything,and bringing everything to a halt so you can tell your gag is bad timing.

18.Sell the advantages of the product, not the features of the product.(it applies to another field too)

19.You are prepared, and you care.

20. Successful companies, just like successful people ,usually do not count modesty among their greatest virtues, nor are they immune to skillful flatteru.

21.Don't play games with your staff member. Have the professionalism, the integrity, and the guts to do it yourself.

★(有成功人士的架势和气场,没有也得有,嘿)22.Herd's point is that not only in your words, but you must exude an air of success, not one of desperation. By acting as if you are negotiating from strengthm you can gain the uper hand, even when your position is not a strong one.

★(政客技巧的用处)23.Every once in a while you may find yourself in a situation where a little vagueness might be to your advantage. Politcians, of course , have been doing this since the beginning of ime, answering questions with words that don;t really say anthing when they don;t wnat to be pinned down.

24. More notes on public speaking

a.be prepared.


c.kiss=keep it simple, stuip.


Larry king says, if there is one thing i hope you get out this book, it's an attitude about talk (态度,态度!!)

Talk should not be a challenge. Think of every conversation as an opportunity,

Keep talking!!做个话唠!!




by hammer

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囡十八 2012-01-06 23:56:45


Veronica 2011-12-26 17:38:05
