[FBI教你破解身体语言(英文版)].(美)乔·纳瓦罗.&(美)马文·卡尔林斯.文字版 书摘_FBI教你读心术书评-查字典图书网
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Zheng FBI教你读心术 的书评 发表时间:2010-05-15 19:05:43

[FBI教你破解身体语言(英文版)].(美)乔·纳瓦罗.&(美)马文·卡尔林斯.文字版 书摘

ONE Mastering the Secrets of Nonverbal Communication
TWO Living Our Limbic Legacy
THREE Getting a Leg Up on Body Language: Nonverbals of the Feet and Legs
FOUR Torso Tips: Nonverbal of the Torso, Hips, Chest, and Shoulders
FIVE Knowledge Within Reach: Nonverbal of the Arms 109
SIX Getting a Grip: Nonverbal of the Hands and Fingers
SEVEN The Mind’s Canvas: Nonverbal of the Face
EIGHT Detecting Deception: Proceed with Caution!
NINE Some Final Thoughts

TELLING LIES: Drawing from the latest discoveries in psychology, neurobiology, medicine, sociology, criminology, communication studies, and anthropology.
THEORETICAL BASIS: scientific facts and field-tested findings
MASTER: Joe Kulis, Paul Ekman, Maureen O’Sullivan, Mark Frank, Bella M. DePaulo, Aldert Vrij, Reid Meloy, and Judy Bur, David Givens.
He, who teaches, learns.
O N E: Mastering the Secrets of Nonverbal Communication
NOVERBAL COMMUNICATIONS: facial expressions, gestures, touching (haptics), physical movements (kinesics), posture, body adorn-ment (clothes, jewelry, hairstyle, tattoos, etc.), and even the tone, timbre,
and volume of an individual’s voice (rather than spoken content).
WAYS: 1.acute observer in 2.context which is 3.universal and 4.personally specific and his 5.baseline, then make a 6.judgment between false and misleading nonverbal signals, categorize them into 7.comfort and discomfort ones
T W O: Living Our Limbic Legacy
corpus callosum
Response to distress or threats, has taken three forms: 1.freeze, 2.flight, and 3.fight.
Freezing your movement can often make you nearly invisible to others.
That momentary stop is enough for the brain to do some quick assessing.
Freeze Manifestations:
1.Breath,2.position of security,3.diminish your exposure.
         Turtle effect
shoulders rise toward the ears
Humbled or suddenly lose confidence.

Flight manifestation: 1. Blocking behaviors may manifest in the form of closing the eyes, rubbing the eyes, or placing the hands in front of the face; 2. The person may also distance herself from someone by leaning away, placing objects (a purse) on her lap, or turning her feet toward the nearest exit.;3. shift away from his counterpart if he hears an unattractive offer or feels threatened as bargaining continues.
         People lean away from each other subconsciously when they disagree or feel uncomfortable around each other.
Eye blocking is a very powerful display of consternation, disbelief, or disagreement.
Fight manifestation: using your posture, your eyes, by puffing out your chest, or by violating another’s personal space.
Freeze 呼吸、动作、形象静止
Flight 阻止、远离的行为
Fight 扩张的行为

HIGH /LOW CONFIDENCE: In general, when the limbic brain is in a state of comfort, this mental and physiological well-being is reflected in nonverbal displays of contentment and high confidence. When, however, the limbic brain is experiencing discomfort, the corresponding body language is characterized by behaviors emblematic of stress or low confidence. Knowledge of these “behavioral markers”. 心理状态分类
High confidence
Low confidence》》》
Pacifying behaviors》》》》
Pacifying 行为的分类
1. 触碰、抚摸(额、前后侧脖、鼻、下巴、领带等;手放在大腿)
2. 呼气
3. 吹口哨
Pacifying behaviors reveal so much about a person’s current state of mind, and they do so with uncanny accuracy.
Pacifying Manifestation: 1. When stressed, we might soothe our necks with a gentle massage, stroke our faces, or play with our hair;
         Covering of the neck dimple pacifies insecurities, emotional discomfort, fear, or concerns in real time. Playing with a necklace often serves the same purpose.
         Rubbing of the forehead is usually a good indicator that a person is struggling with something or is undergoing slight to severe discomfort.
         Neck touching takes place when there is emotional discomfort, doubt, or insecurity.
         This ventilating action is often a reaction to stress and is a good indicator that the person is unhappy with something he is thinking about or experiencing in his environment. A woman may perform this nonverbal activity more subtly by merely ventilating the front of her blouse or by tossing the back of her hair up in the air to ventilate her neck.
         Cheek or face touching is a way to pacify when nervous, irritated, or concerned.
         Men adjust their ties to deal with insecurities or discomfort. It also covers the suprasternal notch.
         Men tend to massage or stroke their necks to pacify distress. This area is rich with nerves, including the vagus nerve, which when massaged will slow down the heart rate.
         Men typically cover their necks more robustly than women as a way to deal with discomfort or insecurity.
         Even a brief touch of the neck will serve to assuage anxiety or discomfort. Neck touching or massaging is a powerful and universal stress reliever and pacifier.
         Exhaling with puffed out cheeks is a great way to release stress and to pacify.
Notice how often people do this after a near mishap.
         When stressed or nervous, people will “cleanse” their palms on their laps in order to pacify themselves. Often missed under tables, it is a very accurate indicator of discomfort or anxiety.
If they are doing leg cleansing, you will normally see the upper arm and shoulder moving in conjunction with the hand as it rubs along their leg.
Sound pacifier 1.Whistling;2, the tapping of a pencil or the drumming of fingers;3. Excessive Yawning
When facing stressful circumstances, some individuals will pacify by crossing their arms and rubbing their hands against their shoulders, as if experiencing a chill. If you see a person with his arms crossed in front, leaning forward, and giving you a defiant look, this is not a pacifying behavior!
Any touching of the face, head, neck, shoulder, arm, hand, or leg in response to a negative stimulus (e.g., a difficult question, an embarrassing situation, or stress as a result of something heard, seen, or thought) is a pacifying behavior. These stroking behaviors don’t help us to solve problems; rather, they help us to remain calm while we do. In other words, they soothe us. Men prefer to touch their faces. Women prefer to touch their necks, clothing, jewelry, arms, and hair.
Touching or stroking the face is a frequent human pacifying response to stress. Motions such as rubbing the forehead; touching, rubbing, or licking the lip(s); pulling or massaging the earlobe with thumb and forefinger; stroking the face or beard; and playing with the hair all can serve to pacify an individual when confronting a stressful situation. As mentioned before, some individuals will pacify by puffing out their cheeks and then slowly exhaling.
Why is this person pacifying?
USING PACIFIERS TO READ PEOPLE MORE EFFECTIVELY:1.recognize;2.set baseline;3. “What caused him to do that?”;4. if an individual is engaged in pacifying behavior, some stressful event or stimulus has preceded it and caused it to happen;5. The specific stressor that caused it;6.how strong the stress is. 辨别原则
For telling a lie, the limbic system is more important because it is the most honest brain.
1. 负面感受 会引起 pacifying行为;
2. 类型为触碰、呼气和口哨三大类;
3. 辨别原则主要步骤有哪些非习惯性行为的触碰呼吸和口哨行为;什么引起的;强度多大

T H R E E:Getting a Leg Up on Body Language
Happy feet 腿抖动可以表示
If his feet are wiggling or bouncing, his shirt and shoulders will be vibrating or moving up and down.
Feet moving~~impatience
If they move their feet—along with their torsos—to admit you, then the welcome is full and genuine.; only swivel at the hips to say hello, then they’d rather be left alone.
FEET WAVE GOODBYE: one of the individuals turns his feet slightly away or repeatedly moves one foot in an outward direction .
If you observe a person’s feet going from being together to being spread apart, you can be fairly confident that the individual is becoming increasingly unhappy. 动作:
不开心~合拢 到 分开
Leg crossing is a particularly accurate barometer of how comfortable we feel around 双脚交叉~自信
We also cross our legs in the presence of others when we are confident.
When I see two colleagues talking to each other and they both have their legs crossed, I know they are comfortable with each other.
If they are on good terms, the top leg crossed over will point toward the other person. If a person doesn’t like a topic his companion brings up, he will switch the position of the legs so that the thigh becomes a barrier. 翘腿的指向
(a)the person will remain in place, which lets me know he or she is comfortable at that distance;
(b) the individual will take a step back or turn slightly away, which lets me know he or she needs more space or wants to be elsewhere;
 or (c) the person will actually take a step closer to me, which means he or she feels comfortable and/or favorable toward me. 接近动作~正面
If you are dealing with a person who is socializing or cooperative with you, his or her feet should mirror your own. If, however, someone’s feet are pointed away from you while his body faces toward you, you should ask yourself why. 身体与脚的指向
If a person constantly wiggles or bounces his or her feet or leg(s) and suddenly stops, you need to take notice. 腿部动作

The foot freeze is another example of a limbic-controlled response, the tendency of an individual to stop activity when faced with danger.
When an individual suddenly turns his toes inward or interlocks his feet, it is a sign that he is insecure, anxious, and/or feels threatened.
However, to lock the ankles in this way, especially over a prolonged period, is unnatural and should be considered suspect, particularly when done by males.
1. Interlocking ankles is again part of the limbic response to freeze in the face of a threat.
2. interlock their feet
3. that lack of movement is not in itself indicative of deception; it is indicative of self-restraint and caution, which both nervous and lying individuals utilize to assuage their concerns.
a restraining (freeze) behavior that tells us, once again, that something is troubling the person.
4. hide the feet altogether.
our feet and legs are the most honest parts of the body.
静止 动作
交叉 自信 突然锁/c藏腿(脚) 负面
指向 对方 正面
        偏离 负面
        与身体一致 正面
        与身体不一致 负面
        突然静止 负面
        踢腿 负面
        接近 正面
        合拢 到 分开 负面
        抖动 全身配合 正面
                仅大腿配合 中性
                脚腿不协调 负面

F O U R Torso Tips
torso houses many vital internal organs, such as the heart, lungs, liver, and digestive tract, we can anticipate that the brain will seek to diligently protect this area when threatened or challenged. 整体
move away instantly from that threat.
1. when one’s torso does lean away from something, it is because the brain demands it; so we can count on the honesty of these reactions.
2. we may also blade away (turn slightly) by degrees from that which does not appeal to us or we grow to dislike.
The human species has evolved to the point that not only physical proximity to a person we dislike can cause us to lean away, but even images of un-
3. a mere shifting of body angle of just a few degrees is enough to express negative sentiment.
When one person in a relationship feels that something is wrong with the way things are going, he or she is most likely sensing a subtle degree of physical distancing in his or her partner.
Our ventral (front) side, where our eyes, mouth, chest, breasts, genitals, etc. are located, is very sensitive to things we like and dislike.
ventral denial
ventral fronting.
1. use our arms or objects to act as barriers 遮挡~负面
2. Clothing or nearby objects
Buttoning a jacket, of course, is not always an indication of discomfort; often men will button their jackets to formalize a setting or to show deference to their boss.
A woman may cross her arms over her stomach, just under the breasts, in an effort to shield her torso and comfort herself. She may cross one arm across her front and grab the opposite arm at the elbow, forming a barrier to her chest.
Woman: chest-shielding behavior
Man: play with his watch, play with his cuff links; fix his tie knot; allows for the arm to cover the ventral area of the chest and neck.
arms intertwined across the front is a very comfortable pose for many people.
Bowing at the waist
the torso bow is a nonverbal gesture of regard for others
But right or wrong, all other things being equal, it is their clothing that often greatly influences what we think of individuals.
Splaying out on a couch or a chair is normally a sign of comfort. 躺卧~正面
Teenagers, in particular, often will sit splayed out on a chair or bench, as a nonverbal way of dominating their environment while being chastised by their parents. This splay behavior is disrespectful and shows indifference to those in authority. It is a territorial display that should not be encouraged or tolerated.
puff up their chests when trying to establish territorial dominance.
When a person is under stress, the chest may be seen to heave or expand and contract rapidly.
Full and slight shoulder shrugs can mean a lot in context. 肩
1. half shrug, An honest and true response will cause both shoulders to rise sharply and equally.
2. Expect people to give full (high) shoulder shrugs when they confidently support what they are saying.
be aware of the person who, while conversing or in reaction to a negative event, moves his or her body so the shoulders begin to slowly rise toward the ears in a manner that makes the neck seem to disappear lacking confidence and is highly uncomfortable.
  hurt my feelings
整体 局部
指向 偏离 负面 胸
距离 距离~ 负面 挺胸 正面
        接近 正面 胸部收缩 负面
遮挡 越紧越严实 负面 肩 双肩平 怀疑信息(就事论事)
躺卧 正面 双肩不平 怀疑人
                                乌龟肩 负面

F I V E Knowledge Within Reach 手、臂
defense wounds 向上~正面
These movements can range from subdued (restrained and constricted) to exuberant (unrestrained and expansive).
When excited, we don’t restrict our arm movements; in fact our natural tendency is to defy gravity and raise our arms high above our heads
gravity-defying behaviors are associated with positive feelings.
Negative emotions bring us down physically
When we are upset or fearful, we withdraw our arms.
armwithdrawal behavior
Self-restraint can assist us not only in dealing with others but also in dealing with ourselves when we need to be comforted.
Restriction of arm movements, arm freeze, particularly when it occurs in children, can sometimes have more sinister implications.
Cessation of arm movement is part of the limbic system’s freeze response.
tended to hold on to the bag tighter, especially as she neared the customs desk.
Not only do important items tend to be better protected with the arms, but also those things we do not want noticed.
If you establish an adequate baseline by observing a specific individual’s arm behaviors over a period of time, you can detect how he is feeling by his arm movements.
touch is very important for the well-being of humans. 挥动与接触~正面
This arm-distancing phenomenon occurs not only when we encounter objects we don’t like, but also when we are around people we don’t enjoy.
Claiming territory can have very powerful and negative consequences—both short-lived and long-term—and the resulting battles can range from small to great.
Notice how confident or high-status individuals will claim more territory with their arms than less confident, lower-status persons.
place their arms behind their backs 放置位置
This behavior is often misunderstood as merely a pensive or thinking pose, but unless seen in someone studying a painting at a museum, for example, it is not.
part of their authoritative training, it doesn’t resonate well in the private sector. 前
For women, arms, akimbo may have particular utility.
it is a powerful nonverbal display that they can employ when confronting males in the boardroom.
the hands are placed on the hips, but the thumbs face forward
inquisitive, yet concerned
Often, individuals will use their arms to simultaneously emphasize a point and claim territory. 双手前置~正面(自信、权威)
arm spread behavior
In business meetings, a speaker who takes (and maintains) a large territorial footprint is likely very confident about what is being discussed
to put his arm around his date
try to encroach on his woman
Another example of courtship behaviors of the arms involves how closely a couple will (or will not) place their arms next to one another when they are seated together at a table.
borderline personality
Nevertheless, even without giving a hug, people can use their arms to demonstrate warmth and, in so doing, increase their chances of being viewed favorably by others.
one of the best ways to establish rapport with someone is to touch that person on the arm, somewhere between the elbow and the shoulder.
整体动作 具体动作
向上 正面 挥动、接触 正面
向下 负面 放置位置
静止 负面 前 叉腰 负面
紧握 负面 看得到大拇指 好奇(中性)
手臂动作因人而异,需要建立baseline 看不到大拇指 权威(负面)
                双手前置 正面(自信、权威)
                双手搭放其他物体 正面
        后 负面
                后脑勺后 正面

S I X Getting a Grip 手动作
People respond positively to effective hand movements.
keep your hands visible during face-to-face communication with others.
how hand greetings are performed, for how long, and how strong. 变量:距离、强度
finger pointing is so distasteful
Snapping your fingers at someone is also considered rude 小动作
It is far better to gesture with an open hand (palm up) at the defendant than with a finger.
Preening, however, can also create negative perceptions.
Standing with hands at the side with fingers curled may indicate prior military experience.
Hands also indicate how much we care for ourselves and how we view social convention.
sweaty hands, you can assume he or she is under stress (since limbic arousal causes sweating). 出汗~负面
Sweaty palms are not indicative of deception. They are only indicative of stress or, in some cases, a genetic disorder. 握手
shake in excitement. They may restrain their hands by grabbing and holding someone else’s hand, or by tucking their hands in their underarms or clasping them and holding them at chest level.
determine whether shaky hands are due to fear or joy by putting the behavior in context
If the shaky hands are accompanied by pacifying actions, like touching the neck or pressing the lips together, I’d be more likely to suspect that the shaking was related to stress (something negative) rather than something positive.
It should be noted that trembling hands are only relevant as a nonverbal communication when they represent a change from someone’s normal hand movements.
if such a person suddenly ceases to tremble for a moment, it may indicate a deliberate attempt to focus more deeply on the particular subject just mentioned 突然的动作停止~注意力集中
change in behavior that is most significant.
A high-confidence display reflects a high degree of brain comfort and self-assurance. 手呈尖塔~自信(正面)
Hand steepling may well be the most powerful high-confidence
women tend to steeple low (perhaps at the waist), which some-times makes the behavior more difficult to observe.
Men tend to steeple higher, at chest level, which makes their steepling more visible and powerful.
Steepling signifies that you are confident of your thoughts or position.
When our confidence is shaken or doubt has entered our minds, our steepled fingers may interlace as in prayer 手指交叉~负面
It is recommended that when testifying, individuals should either steeple or cup their hands together without interlacing their fingers, as these are gestures that are perceived as being more authoritative, more confident, and more genuine.
When individuals carry their thumbs high, it is a sign that they think highly of themselves and/or are confident in their thoughts or present circumstances
Thumbs up is another example of a gravity-defying gesture, a type of nonverbal behavior normally associated with comfort and high confidence.
Thumbs up
Feelings of low confidence can be evidenced when a person (usually a male) puts his thumbs in his pocket and lets the fingers hang out on the side
Genital framing is a powerful dominance display.
Research tells us liars tend to gesture less, touch less, and move their arms and legs less than honest people 解释性手部动作过少或隐藏~负面
When people wring their hands or interlace their fingers, particularly in response to a significant comment, event, or change in their environment, it is normally indicative of stress or low confidence
When people tell the truth, they make every effort to ensure that you understand them. They gesticulate with their arms and face and are emphatically expressive.
gentle finger-to-palm stroking transitions to more dramatic rubbing of interlaced fingers
move their hands away
hand withdrawals
When the hands stop illustrating and emphasizing, it is usually a clue to a change in brain activity (perhaps because of a lack of commitment) and is cause for heightened awareness and assessment.
The interlacing of fingers is a very accurate indicator of high distress 手指摩擦/手摩擦其他部位~自我安慰(负面)
People who touch their necks (anywhere) while speaking are, in fact, reflecting lower-than-normal confidence or are relieving stress. The covering of the neck area, throat, and/or the suprasternal notch during times of stress is a universal and strong indicator that the brain is actively processing something that is threatening, objectionable, unsettling, questionable, or emotional.
Neck touching is one of those behaviors that is so reliable and accurate that it truly merits our close attention.
In these circumstances, the more reflexive and shortlived the behavior is, the more truthful it tends to be.
基本动作 手指动作
出汗 负面 指向 负面
握手 手指整理妆容 负面
突然的动作停止 注意力集中 咬手指 负面
                响指 不礼貌行为
解释性手部动作过少或隐藏 负面 手呈尖塔
位置越高程度越深 自信(正面)
        手指交叉 负面
                手指交叉但拇指向上 正面
        手放到口袋仅拇指露出 自信(正面)
                手放到口袋仅拇指放入 负面
                手放到口袋仅拇指放入但牛仔姿势 攻击型(正面)
        手指摩擦/手摩擦其他部位 自我安慰(负面)

S E V E N The Mind’s Canvas 表情
universal language
we can, to a degree, control our facial expressions and, thus, put on a false front.
Negative emotions—displeasure, disgust, antipathy, fear, and anger—make us tense.
how it is being said. 表情代表的正负面情绪不是关键,关键是为什么?
Positive emotions are revealed by the loosening of the furrowed lines on the forehead, relaxation of muscles around the mouth, emergence of full lips (they are not compressed or tight lipped), and widening of the eye area as surrounding muscles relax. 正面
When we are truly relaxed and comfortable, facial muscles relax and the head will tilt to the side, exposing our most vulnerable area, the neck 头部倾斜~正面
Remember, look for clusters of behavior to solidify your observations. 眼
eyes a very honest part of our face
We have no conscious control over our pupils, and they respond to both external stimuli (for example, changes in light) and internal stimuli (such as thoughts) in fractions of a second.
When we become aroused, are surprised, or are suddenly confronted, our eyes open up—not only do they widen, but the pupils also quickly dilate to let in the maximum amount of available light, thus sending the maximum amount of visual information to the brain.
process the information and if it is perceived negatively (it is an unpleasant surprise or an actual threat), in a fraction of a second the pupils will constrict
In addition to squinting when ill at ease, some individuals will lower their eyebrows after observing something unsettling in their environment.
Arched eyebrows signify high confidence and positive feelings (a gravity-defying behavior), whereas lowered eyebrows are usually a sign of low confidence and negative feelings, a behavior that indicates weakness and insecurity in a person 眉毛下》》眼睛变小~负面
we sometimes lower our eyebrows and squint when being aggressive or confrontational.
we lower the eyebrows in the face of real or imagined danger or threats. We also do this when we are annoyed, feel displeasure, or are angry.
we drop the eyebrows too low, it is a universal sign of weakness and insecurity. It is a behavior of obsequiousness, fawning, or submissiveness
eye blocking 任何形式的眼部遮挡~负面
While eye-blocking behaviors are usually associated with seeing or hearing something negative that causes us discomfort, they can also be an indication of low confidence.
most reliable and valuable when it happens immediately after a significant event that you can identify.
contentment and positive emotions are indicated by pupil dilation.
eyebrows rise (arch), widening their eye area and making their eyes look larger flashbulb eyes gravity-defying behaviors 眉毛放松~放松(中性)
raise their eyebrows and flash their eyes
comfort display
downward gaze may demonstrate that we are processing a sentiment or a feeling, conducting an internal dialogue, or perhaps demonstrating submissiveness. 向下看~思考
eye aversion
Never assume that a downward gaze is a sign of deception.
those who are dominant have more freedom in using eye-gaze behavior.
roving eyes make a person look disinterested or superior 眼珠转动~不感兴趣,自负(负面)
Our blink rate increases when we are aroused, troubled, nervous, or concerned, and it returns to normal when we are relaxed. A series of rapid eye blinks may reflect an inner struggle. 眨眼频率↑~(内心活动)负面
Eyelid flutter is very much indicative of a struggle either with our performance or with the delivery or acceptance of information.
Though it’s tempting to do so, I would be very reluctant to label anyone a liar just because their blink rate increases, since any stress, including being asked questions in public, can cause the blink rate to increase.
askance 斜视~怀疑(负面)
It can take the form of a sideways or tilted head motion accompanied by a side glance or a brief roll of the eyes.
we are suspicious of others or question the validity of what they are saying.
A real smile appears primarily because of the action of two muscles: the zygomaticus major, orbicularis oculi, eye. working together bilaterally, these draw the corners of the mouth up and crinkle the outer edges of the eyes, causing the crow’s feet of a familiar warm and honest smile 微笑
Real smiles are difficult to fake when we have a sincere lack of emotion.
When we are stressed, we tend to make our lips disappear subconsciously.
Lip compression is very indicative of true negative sentiment that manifests quite vividly in real time
upside-down U. This behavior is indicative of high distress (discomfort). This is a formidable cue or signal that the person is experiencing an extreme amount of stress.
the turned-down corners of the mouth is a normal behavior and as such is not an accurate sign of distress. However, for the large majority of us, this is a very accurate tell of negative thoughts or sentiments.
This behavior usually means they disagree with what is being said or they are considering an alternative thought or idea.
a universal act of contempt. It is disrespectful and reflects a lack of caring or empathy on the part of the person doing the sneering. 单边唇抬起~轻蔑(负面)
buccinator muscles
When we are stressed, causing our mouth to be dry, it is normal to lick our lips to moisten them. 舌
Also, during times of discomfort, we tend to rub our tongues back and forth across our lips to pacify and calm ourselves. 舌伸缩~负面
We may stick out the tongue (usually to the side) as we focus assiduously on a task (for example when basketball great Michael Jordan goes up for a dunk) or we may poke out our tongue to antagonize someone we dislike or to show disgust 吐舌头~激怒(负面)
When an individual displays other mouth cues associated with stress, such as lip biting, mouth touching, lip licking, or object biting, it further bolsters a careful observer’s belief that the person is insecure (see figure 81). Additionally, if people touch and/or lick their lips while pondering their options, particularly when they take an unusual amount of time, these are signs of insecurity.
Tongue-jutting behavior is a gesture used by people who think they have gotten away with something or are caught doing something.
Its several meanings include: I got caught, gleeful excitement, I got away with something, I did something foolish, or I am naughty.
Frowning, by furrowing the forehead (and brow), usually occurs when a person is anxious, sad, concentrating, concerned, bewildered, or angry 眉毛+前额
the flaring of nostrils is a facial cue that signals that a person is aroused. 鼻翼
Nose flaring is also an intention cue, a potent indicator of the intent to do something physical, and not necessarily sexual.
People will also blush when they are caught doing something they know is wrong. 脸红~过失(负面)
Then there is the blushing that occurs when a person likes someone but doesn’t want him or her to know it.
blanching (turning pale) can take place when we are in the sustained limbic reaction known as shock.
Facial displays of disgust or disapproval are very honest and are reflective of what is going on in the brain.
A person with his chin down is seen as lacking confidence and experiencing negative sentiments while a person with his chin up is perceived as being in a positive frame of mind. 下巴
A nose-up gravity-defying gesture is a high-confidence nonverbal tell, while a nose-down position is a display of low confidence.
Tucking the chin is a form of withdrawal or distancing and can be very accurate in discerning true negative sentiment.
when confronted with both, go with the first emotion observed, especially if it is a negative emotion.
whether the facial expression agrees with—or is in contrast to—signals from other parts of the body.
基本表情 局部表情
表情代表的正负面情绪不是关键,关键是为什么? 头 倾斜 正面
脸色 脸红 过失(负面) 额 皱起 负面
        连白 惊讶、压力(负面) 眼 瞳孔 放大 正面
微笑 嘴角指向眼睛 真实微笑 收缩 负面
        嘴角指向耳朵 社交微笑 眯眼 负面(瞬间、长时间)
正面 前额放松 任何形式的眼部遮挡 负面
        嘴部放松 强度时间越大,程度越深
        眼部肌肉放松 向下看 思考
        完整唇 眼珠转动 不感兴趣,自负(负面)
                眨眼频率↑ (内心活动)负面
                斜视 怀疑(负面)
        眉 眉毛放松 放松(中性)
                眉毛抬起 正面
        眉+眼 眉毛下》》眼睛变小 负面
                眉毛上》》眼睛变大 正面
        眉+额 皱眉 负面
        鼻翼 扩张 被激怒、性冲动(负面)
                挤鼻子 不喜欢、厌恶(负面)
        唇 压缩 负面
                反U嘴 压力(负面)
                噘嘴 不同意(负面)
                单边唇抬起 轻蔑(负面)
        舌 润唇 压力(负面)
                舌伸缩 负面
                吐舌头 激怒(负面)
                舌尖突出 侥幸(负面)
        下巴 往下 不自信(负面)
                往上 自信(正面)

E I G H T Detecting Deception
behavioral analysis 真相:言行一致(内容、时间)
There is no method, no machine, no test, no person that is 100 percent accurate at uncovering deception.
comfort/discomfort domain
The model also shows how we tend to display more emphatic behaviors when we are comfortable and truthful, and when we are uncomfortable, we don’t.
The best way to proceed is just to ask for ever-more clarifying details about the matter
Often merely getting someone to expand on his or her statement will suffice in eventually sorting deceit from truth.
When we are comfortable, there should be synchrony in our nonverbal behavior.
By mirroring another person’s behavior, we are subconsciously saying, “I am comfortable with you.” 镜像身体语言~正面
Our heart rate quickens, our hairs stand on end, we perspire more, and we breathe faster. 负面行为不一定代表欺骗
We tend to move our bodies in an attempt to block or distance, we rearrange ourselves, jiggle our feet, fidget, twist at the hips, or drum our fingers when we are scared, nervous, or significantly uncomfortable
If you are attempting to observe discomfort as a potential indicator of deception, the best setting is one that has no objects (such as furniture, tables, desks, or chairs) between you and the person you are observing or interviewing.
lower limbs are particularly honest
Other clear signs of discomfort seen in people during a difficult or troubling conversation include rubbing the forehead near the temple region, squeezing the face, rubbing the neck, or stroking the back of the head with the hand.
People may show their displeasure by rolling their eyes in disrespect, picking lint off themselves (preening), or talking down to the person asking the questions—giving short answers, becoming resistant, hostile, or sarcastic, or even displaying microgestures with indecent connotations such as giving the finger
When making false statements, liars will rarely touch or engage in other physical contact with you. 身体语言互动缺少,预示欺骗的可能性。
It is true that a lack of touch may signify that someone does not like you, since we also don’t touch those we don’t respect or for whom we have contempt.
The bottom line is that assessing the nature and length of the relationship is also important in discerning the meaning of such distancing behavior.
Any facial expression that lasts too long or lingers is not normal, whether a smile, a frown, or a surprised look. 过长的表情,预示着欺骗的可能性。
When we do not like something we hear, whether a question or an answer, we often close our eyes as if to block out what was just heard.
Keep in mind that predators and habitual liars actually engage in greater eye contact than most individuals, and will lock eyes with you.
If a person’s head begins to shake either in the affirmative or in the negative as he is speaking, and the movement occurs simultaneously with what he is saying, then the statement can typically be relied upon as being truthful.
If, however, the head shake or head movement is delayed or occurs after the speech, then most likely the statement is contrived and not truthful.
During discomfort, the limbic brain takes over, and a person’s face can conversely either flush or lighten in color.
During difficult conversations, you may also see increased perspiration or breathing
Any trembling of the body, whether of the hands, fingers, or lips, or any attempt to hide or restrain the hands or lips (through disappearing or compressed lips), may be indicative of discomfort and/or deception, especially if it occurs after normal nervousness should have worn off. 身体抖动,预示着欺骗的可能性。
A person’s voice may crack or may seem inconsistent during deceptive speech; swallowing becomes difficult as the throat becomes dry from stress, so look for hard swallows. 吞咽动作,预示着欺骗的可能性。
1. physically open space—with nothing blocking your view of the candidate 观察标准
2. A certain level of pacifying behavior is normal in everyday nonverbal displays
3. Expect initial nervousness.
4. Get the person with whom you’re interacting to relax first.
5. Establish a baseline
6. Look for increased use of pacifiers
7. Ask, pause, and observe.
Give the interviewee time to think and respond, and build in pregnant pauses to achieve this objective.
elicit specific answers in order to better zero in on facts and fiction. The more specific the question, the more likely you are to elicit precise nonverbals, and now that you have better understanding of the meaning of subconscious actions, the more accurate your assessments will be.
8. Keep the person you are interviewing focused.
Pointed questions elicit behavioral manifestations that are useful in assessing a person’s honesty.
9. Chatter is not truth
10. The first behavior will reflect the stress experienced when hearing the question. The interviewee will subconsciously respond with various distancing behaviors including foot withdrawal (moving them away from the investigator); he may lean away or may tighten his jaw and lips. This will be followed by the second set of related behaviors, pacifying responses to the stress that may include signals such as neck touching, nose stroking, or neck massaging as he ponders the question or answer.
11. Isolate the cause of the stress.
12. Pacifiers say so much.
it should not be delayed.
There should also be synchrony between what is being said and the events of the moment.
emphasis is universal when people are being genuine.
We emphasize both verbally and nonverbally. Verbally, we emphasize through voice, pitch, or tone, or through repetition. We also emphasize nonverbally, and these behaviors can be even more accurate and useful than words when attempting to detect the truth or dishonesty in a conversation or interview.
Another manifestation of emphasis is seen when someone leans forward with the torso, showing interest.
When seated, people emphasize by raising the knee (staccato-like) while highlighting important points, and added emphasis can be shown by slapping the knee as it comes up, indicating emotional exuberance.
In contrast, people de-emphasize or show lack of commitment to their own speech by speaking behind their hands (talking while covering their mouths) or showing limited facial expression.
People control their countenance and engage in other movement restriction and withdrawal behaviors when they are not committed to what they are saying
Deceptive people often show deliberative, pensive displays, such as fingers to the chin or stroking of cheeks, as though they are still thinking about what to say; this is in stark contrast to honest people who emphasize the point they are making. 过多pacifier,预示着欺骗的可能性。
Deceptive people spend time evaluating what they say and how it is being received, which is inconsistent with honest behavior.
Any sudden change in movement reflects brain activity.
Interestingly, as individuals make declarative statements that are false, they will avoid touching not only other people, but objects such as a podium or table as well.
When a person places his outstretched arms in front of his body, with palms up, this is known as the rogatory (or “prayerful”) display
This behavior is also seen in individuals who say something when they want you to believe them.
note whether her hands are palm up or palm down.
The palm-up position is not very affirmative and suggests that the person is asking to be believed.
When we are confident and comfortable, we spread out. 收缩性的空间占用,预示着欺骗的可能性。
When we are less secure, we tend to take up less space.
In extreme circumstances, distressed people may fold their arms and legs into their own body, assuming an almost fetal position
Uncomfortable conversations and interviews can evoke a variety of withdrawn postures: arms that are intertwined like a pretzel and/or ankles that are locked in place, sometimes to the point of being almost painful to the observer.
When we are confident about what we believe or what we are saying, we tend to sit up, with shoulders and back wide, exhibiting an erect posture indicative of security.
The liar’s shrug is abnormal in that it is abridged and customized because the person manifesting it is not fully committed to what is being expressed. 肢体动作持续时间果断,预示着欺骗的可能性。
If only one shoulder comes up, or if the shoulders rise nearly to the ears and the person’s head seems to disappear, it is a sign of high discomfort and sometimes seen in an individual preparing to answer a question deceptively.
our only realistic recourse is to rely on those behaviors indicative of comfort/discomfort, synchrony, and emphasis to guide us.
Discomfort may originate from many sources

N I N E Some Final Thoughts


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