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曹哥纯爷们 重新定义公司 的书评 发表时间:2015-08-01 04:08:20



Eric first met and started working with Steve Jobs in 1993. When Eric was at Sun and Steve was at NeXT. NeXT was built using a computer language called Objective-C. Steve started extolling the virtues of Objective-C and tried to convince the computer scientists from Sun that they needed to use it in the next-generation programming framework they were developing. Eric knew that Steve was wrong on some of his technical points, but Steve's arguments were so persuasive that Eric and his Sun colleagues couldn't figure out exactly HOW he was wrong. They stood by their car in the NeXT parking lot after the meeting, dissecting the discussion and trying to escape what was often called the Jobs "reality distortion field." No such luck. Steve saw them in the parking lot and rushed out to continue the conversation. For another hour.


We had one talented yong product manager, Jessica Ewing, who helped us launch iGoogle and had a very bright future at the company. But she also had a burning desire to try her hand at writing. Think about your career trajectory, we advised. Think about those stock units you still have to vest. She did and left anyway. Jessica, we haven't heard from you in a while! Why don't you write?

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