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永福 时间管理 的书评 发表时间:2011-09-03 19:09:02

读 Time Management for System Administrator



看《Time Management for System Administrator》这本书是因为豆瓣的推荐。时间管理,就其定义来说,是一个很广泛的范畴。其中心思想就是,利用好人生有限的时间,做有意义的事情。到具体的每个人时,方法会各有各的不同。柳比歇夫用自己独特的时间记录方法来管理时间,同时李笑来老师说不用管实现的途径,关键是坚持。这本书的作者 Thomas A.Limoncelli 就专门针对系统管理员,介绍了自己在时间管理方面的一些技巧。

Chapter 1. Time Management Principles
  one database for time management information.
  conserve your brain power for what's important.
  develop routines and stick with them.
  develop habits and mantras.
  maintain focus during project time.
  manage your social life with the same tools you use for your work life.
Chapter 2. Focus Versus Interruptions
  Keep to Focus.
  Try to reduce Interruptions.
  Go to work one hour before people come to the office, because of least interruption.
  Use Your peak time to work at the appropriate tasks.
  The delegate, record, or do process permits you to take back control of your time.
  When you acknowledge a request, you should do it in a visually meaningful way.
  Recode the request on paper or digitally. Never trust your brain to remember a request.
Chapter 3. Routines
  Routine give us a way to think once, do many.
  make things in a routine.
  Deleting Old Routines.
  A good routine saves you work and reduces the amount of time you spend making decisions.
Chapter 4. The Cycle System
  Life-goals list
  A day-by-day section.
  to do list
  every day begins by investing 10 minutes to plan your day.
Chapter 5. The Cycle System: To Do Lists and Schedules
  Toward the end of the day,manage any incomplete items so that people who made the requests are not surprised to learn of the delay.
  If you finish early, reward yourself.
Chapter 6. The Cycle System: Calendar Management
  Know your personal rhythms.
  Know your company's rhythms.
Chapter 7. The Cycle System: Life Goal.
  Goals should be measurable.
  Goals should be deadlines.
  Write down your goals.
Chapter 8. Prioritization
  Do immediately of Your Boss's Requests.
  Doing tasks in order.
  To manage your boss, you must do three things: make sure your boss knows your career goals, use upward delegation only when it leverages his authority, and understand his goals and be part of accomplishing them.
Chapter 9. Stress Management
  How to on Vacation Time.
  Yoga, meditation, and massage
  Chapter 10. Email Management
  Don't check the mailbox the first hour of the day.
  Don't always check your mail.
  Delete the old mail.
Chapter 11. Eliminating Time Wasters
  Office socializing is not that need.
  to be efficient at meetings.
Chapter 12. Documentation
  Documentation can reduce the repeat work. Don't be feared to be replaced.
  Documentation is an customer-facing repository and internal IT repository.
  Wiki technology is a good tool to try.
Chapter 13. Automation
  Let things do automated is a cool thing.
  Hard things done once and simple things done often should be done automated.


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