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Lilian_Ye 在家就能读MBA 的书评 发表时间:2016-02-22 17:02:04



1. 5 parts of business
    value creation
    value delivery
2. 4 core human drives
    the drive to acquire bond learn defend feel
3. Ten ways to evaluate a market
    (1) Urgency-- How badly do people want or need this right now?
    (2) Market size-- How many people are actively purchasing things like this?
    (3) Pricing potential-- What is the highest price a typical purchaser would be willing to spend for a solution?
    (4) Cost of customer acquisition-- How easy is it to acquire a new customer? On average, how much will it cost to generate a sale, in both money and effort?
    (5) Cost of value delivery-- How much would it cost to create and deliver the value offered, both in money and effort?
    (6) Uniqueness of offer-- How unique is your offer versus competing offerings in the market, and how easy is it for potential competitors to copy you?
    (7) Speed to market-- How quickly can you create something to sell?
    (8) Up-front investment-- How much will you have to invest before you're ready to sell?
    (9) Upsell potential-- Are there related secondary offers that you could also present to purchasing customers?
    (10) Evergreen potential-- Once the initial offer has been created, how much additional work will you have to put into it in order to continue selling?
4. 12 standard forms of value
    product 商品
    service 理发店
    shared resource 健身房
    subscription 有线电视
    resale 沃尔玛
    lease 租房
    agency 中介
    audience aggregation 网页广告
    loan 借贷
    option 电影票、定金
    insurance 保险
    capital 天使投资 股票
5. 9 common economic values
    efficacy / speed / reliability / ease of use / flexibility / status / aesthetic appeal / emotion / cost
6. relative importance testing
7. critically important assumptions (CIAs)
8. Minimum Economically Viable Offer (MEVO)
9. 4 pricing methods
    replacement cost
    market comparison 市场上相近的物品的售价
    discounted cash flow (DCF) / Net Present Value (NPV) 考虑商品持续带来的收益,比如房屋可以出租。
    value comparison 学区房对有孩子的父母特别有吸引力
10. value-based selling
11. education-based selling
12. 3 universal currencies
    resources / time / flexibility
13. demaging admission
14. Pygmalion effect
Pygmalion: (Greek mythology) a king who created a statue of a woman and fell in love with it; Aphrodite brought the sculpture to life as Galatea
15. Attribution error

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