Probably the best book in molecular biology so far_创世纪的第八天书评-查字典图书网
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Fanchen 创世纪的第八天 的书评 发表时间:2011-08-20 13:08:15

Probably the best book in molecular biology so far

I read the book while doing an exchange program in University College Dublin. During the first week, I felt quite bored and figured that it might not be a bad idea to check out the library for some real big volumes. Initially, "The Eighth Day of Creation" was not my choice, since I wrongly categorized it as an anecdotal little booklet, like "The Double Helix" by James Watson (personal opinion, no offense). Yet, when I semi-intentionally spotted it on the bottom shelf, covered with a yellowish jacket which seemed to have settled there for decades, I was awed by the sheer thickness of the book. Quickly, I turned to the end of the book and noted that the book was about 800 pages! That was the volume I was looking for. Without further hesitation, I checked it out, and didn't finish it until three months later.

The English was quite beyond me at first. It was stylish, with a little bit sophistication and demonstration of mastering in vocabulary, but essentially very logic and clear. The names appeared throughout the book were all the giants in molecular biology and biochemistry. I have encountered them many times in my university courses, yet I never had a chance to know them as day-to-day researchers. They were the Gods, the mysterious and magnificent Nobel Laureates, and the names in textbooks to me. It was great experience to read their stories as if I had been there with them, working in the same lab and complaining about the same problems. After all, they the giants were not that different from us, just with a bit more curiosity and dedication.

The most memorable figures in the book, in my opinion, were Max Delbruck and Jacques Monod. The former, a once physics student tutored by Niels Bohr, brought fresh idea from quantum mechanics to phage genetics, while the latter, enjoyed a life filled with music, social activity, and of course, one of the most significant discoveries in genetics, the operon. The quality shared by these two is diversity. I never doubt the importance of perseverance in one field and truly believe that is generally the only way to make significant breakthrough in science. However, diversity is what makes life worthwhile. Not everybody can reserve a blank space in future textbooks where his name could be put in--that is for the exceptionally wise, but everyone can make the best of his own life by trying as many fields as possible. Most of the time, it is not that we are not capable of following our heart, but that we are too careful to lose what we currently have. All right, this is off the point. Anyway, I do respect these two figures most.

The rigorous nature of the book is another feature to mention. I couldn't imaging how many efforts Mr. Judson had spared to create this masterpiece. Despite the fact that he might be considered one of the luckiest people in the world to have talked face to face with those giants, to organize all the scientific papers he came through and the recorded dialogues definitely were not a dream job for everyone. Yet, Mr. Judson hanged on there for good 10 years, only to bring to a very small audience around the globe the hardship and beauty behind the establishment of molecular biology. For that part, I think Mr. Judson deserves the highest appreciation from the realm of modern life sciences. In fact, anyone working in modern history or popular science could not ask for more if he has rivaled Mr. Judson in the completeness and accuracy of historical material, as well as understanding of the scientific questions within.

To sum up, this is definitely a good book for, probably not bed-time or light reading, but for people with serious interest in history recap and biology.

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slaygt 2014-09-21 21:52:10
