Google age rule:Kill yourself to survive_What Would Google Do?书评-查字典图书网
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dukezy8 What Would Google Do? 的书评 发表时间:2009-12-02 03:12:47

Google age rule:Kill yourself to survive

There is little doubt that Google is making our life different. either as a network, platform, distributor or what ever you call Google is, let's face it, as a normal consumer, have you been aware about your change of behavior on shopping, researching, reading,networking,etc let along the profound impact on business world.
the book describes the upcoming G-age, and how business executives should prepare to reinvent themselves. Personally, I like more of the first part of the contents, in which the author pictured a blueprint of new relationship, new architecture, new publicness, new society, and new economy..
to simply generate his conclusion, business managers should be prepared to cannibalize their business model, product lines, customers service, distribution model.etc before the Google enabled customers, competitors forced them to change.
this idea alone is very similar to HBS prof Christensen's disruptive innovation theory, which also promote the ideas of disruptive innovation and its impact on current and future corporate comptitiveness.
the author are trying to illustrate his statement and prediction in the second part by conducting case studies. and unfortunately some of them are either to good to be true or simply beyond current situation.
nevertheless, I will recommend this book as an eye-opening guide for us going to live in such a G-age

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