a quick reading, nothing special_哪来的天才?书评-查字典图书网
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dukezy8 哪来的天才? 的书评 发表时间:2009-11-18 21:11:35

a quick reading, nothing special

kind of a disappointing book, there is nothing new compared with other "genius finding"book, the author argued the importance of "deliberate practice", however with rather vague definition of the concept and its old-replicate application in individual development.
everyone knows the importance of mental toughness,feedback evaluation, and repeated, hard practice. the author simply reiterate without any innovative statement or breakthrough discovery.
if I have time, I would recommend another book called "outlier", after all, personal passion, the timing, the pure luck and 10000 hours rules seems more reasonable and convincing for success and greatness.

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对“a quick reading, nothing special”的回应

Windin 2010-12-27 17:45:27

Your comments are somewhat groundless as you have not dived deep into the former.The 2 books are derived from the same theory advanced by K. Anders Ericsson. "Deliberate Practice", "10,000 hrs rule" and concepts as such are bases for the two alike.

水经石 2010-03-08 20:10:23

您推荐的书应该叫outliers 书名都忘了 还说人家的书好。。。

快乐生煎包 2009-12-15 02:33:22

maybe I'll skip this one.