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刘笛D 如何高效学习 的书评 发表时间:2014-03-06 05:03:04

highlight of the book


§§ what is holistic learning?

view learning as a comprehensive whole, instead of a list of memorised facts;

Instead of trying to memorise information by making a perfect copy in your brain, use the web of neurons you have.
(It's all about associations, the more the better)

It's not a scientific fact but a metaphor of the way smart people learn.

§§ why?

to be able to quickly integrate new information; for information to stick.

§§ what to apply?
not only in academic setting, encompass anything you want to understand. The more broadly you can apply these methods, the better they function.

§§ elements

1. constructs.
Metaphor: city = buildings + roads.
Goal: create as many interconnections as possible!

2. models.
eg: imagine variables (in computer language) as jars, functions as pencil sharpener.

3. highways.
i.e.: link two complete different ideas, across disciplines.
benefit: creativity. build new territories.

§§ sequence. (废话,略)

useful points:

1. when acquire knowledge, minimise redundancy.
e.g. Examples could be nice but only when they help you form models. Otherwise, don't bother.

2. explore.
remember: ' Information doesn't exist alone '
find similarity, comparison, pattern, etc.

3. debug and improve your learning system. & Be patient.

'you can start a business without programming skills by hiring a programmer but you can never let other people learn for you.'

Initially changing styles/ adopting new techniques adds a bit of time, but it pays back.

§§ techniques.

1. active reading.
Don't just highlight sentences. Ask yourself:

a. what are the major points?
b. how can I best remember them?
c. how can I extend or apply them?

2. flow-based note-taking

Beautifully written notes are useless. Simplify, 'Messify'.
Use very few words instead of lengthy sentences.
Draw diagram.

3. project-based learning
one-three months long projects that force you to learn.
Commit your project on paper.
Have an objective outcome.

e.g. write a small application or website (programming); write a short e-book on the subject (history); do an analysis of financial statements for a company (accounting).


※ It's not time that matters, It's energy. ※

Boost your energy by:

1) exercise often. A small investment in exercise can have a huge impact on your ability to concentrate.
2) low fat/sugar. Eat 4-5 small meals.
3) a lot of water.

Oh, don't even try to cheat your body in giving a few extra hours. you will lose many more later. So:

4) enough sleep.
5) take a day off each week.


A constant struggle — always trying to “study” more, yet always falling a bit short. It’s a lot like dieting.

Simply don't feel guilty because you didn't suffer enough. Instead, itemize what you need to do in order to achieve your goals.


1) Everything has a home.
2) Carry a notepad with your all the time. with a calendar and a to-do list.
3) Read daily.

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