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Calvin nivl6> 魏斯曼演讲圣经1 的书评 发表时间:2008-04-21 23:04:02


学一学presentation,总是不错的,如今流行soft skill,讲究以柔克刚。


1. Author: Someone from Silicon Valley, Stanford, who coached a lot of CEO's and who was previously learning art.
2. Five Cardinal Sins:
        a. No clear point
        b. No audience benefit
        c. No clear flow
        d. Too detailed
        e. Too long
3. What is persuasion:
        a. Getting from Point A to Point B
4. Starting with the objective in mind and in sight
5. Audience Advocacy:
        a. Mastering the Audience Advocacy means learning to view yourself, your company, your story, and your presentation through the eyes of your audience
6. Shift the focus from Features to Benefits
7. Understand the Needs of Your Audience
        a. What in it for you?
        b. WIIFY Triggers:
                i. This is important to you because…?
                ii. What does this mean to you?
                iii. Why am I telling you this?
                iv. Who cares?
                v. So what?
                vi. And…?
        c. Always find and state WIIFY!!
9. The danger of the wrong YOU.
10. Brainstorm Framework Form

11. Brainstorm: Doing the data dump productively
        a. There are no bad idea in brainstorming
        b. Consider all ideas during the brainstorm as candidates, not finalist
        c. Clustering
12. The Four Critical Questions
        a. What is your Point B?
        b. Who is your audience and what is their WIIFY?
        c. What are your Roman columns?
        d. Why have you put the Roman columns in a particular order?
13. 7 classic opening gambits
        a. Question
        b. Factoid - A striking statistic or little-known fact
        c. Retrospective/Prospective
        d. Anecdote - A short human interest story
        e. Quotation
        f. Aphorism
        g. Analogy - A comparison between two seemingly unrelated items that helps to illuminate a complex, arcane, or obscure topic





