Sartre and Existentialism Eight Volume Set
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Sartre and Existentialism Eight Volume Set


作者: By William McBride
出版年: 2000-2
ISBN: 9780815324409







Captures the full range of existentialism

For the quarter-century following World War II, existentialism was a pervasive current of thought worldwide, not only in philosophy, but also in literature and in much of psychological and social theory. Jean-Paul Sartre was the towering, controversial figure who gave impetus to the movement and with whom existentialism was identified. Sartre's philosophy, which evolved considerably over more than three decades, continues to generate attention today.

Scholarship on all of Sartre's writings

The collection begins with contemporary articles that recapture the atmosphere in which the idea of existentialism crystallized. It presents important comparative and background studies that establish connections between Sartre and existentialist writers who preceded him, and offers some of the best scholarship on his writings, including posthumous publications. The articles also connect Sartre's philosophy with the work of his best-known French contemporaries and associates, notably Camus, de Beauvoir, and Merleau-Ponty, and with major post-existentialist intellectual currents.

Interdisciplinary and balanced coverage

While presenting Sartre as a philosopher, as he saw himself, this interdisciplinary collection of articles includes both comprehensive overviews of his philosophy and in-depth analyses of it, some highly sympathetic and some highly critical. Because of its interdisciplinary character and its chronological range over more than half a century, this series is an exceptionally valuable resource for scholars in the humanities and social sciences.

A multidisciplinary resource

This collection of outstanding articles brings multiple perspectives to bear on existentialism and draws on a wider range of periodicals than even the largest library usually holds. Even if all the articles were available on campus, chances are that a student would have to track them down in several libraries and microfilm collections. Providing, of course, that no journals were reserved for graduate students, out for binding, or simply missing. This convenient set saves students substantial time and effort by making available all the key articles in one reliable source.

Comprehensive-contemporary to classic

Not only does the collection offer the best of contemporary articles, but it also includes important classics and seminal pieces. Thus a student can view in one place the historical evolution and advances in existentialist thought, as well as be informed about the latest developments.

Authoritative introductions

A distinguished authority in the field, the series editor has put together a balanced and well thought-out selection of the most significant works, accompanied by expert commentary. A general introduction gives important background information and outlines fundamental issues, current scholarship, and scholarly controversies. Introductions to individual volumes put the articles in context and draw attention to germinal ideas and major shifts in the field. After reading the material, even a beginning student will have an excellent grasp of the basics of the subject.

Durable and permanent

Unlike journals, which cannot withstand the rigors of constant use, the hardbound books in this series have sturdy library-style bindings and are printed on acid-free paper that has a guaranteed shelf life of 300 years. Consequently, the set will still be in excellent condition when the original periodicals are long gone.

An affordable research resource

Even if a library has all of the journals represented in the series, this inexpensive core collection of articles in permanent form saves wear and tear on the fragile journals themselves. The series puts into the hands of undergraduates a selection of the best writings on existentialism that is convenient, comprehensive, multidisciplinary, and ideal as a starting point for research. The many articles introduce students in a user-friendly way to a range of important opinions and intellectual discourse that is likely to whet their appetite for pursuing the subject further on their own. Individual volumes available:

Vol. 1: The Development and Meaning of Twentieth-Century Existentialism

400 pages, 0-8153-2491-X

Vol. 2: Existentialist Background: Kierkegaard, Dostoevsky, Nietzsche, Jaspers, Heidegger


Vol. 3: Sartre's Life, Times, and Vision Du Monde

392 pages, 0-8153-2493-6

Vol. 4: Existentialist Ontology and Human Consciousness

392 pages 0-8153-2494-4

Vol. 5: Existenitalist Ethics

400 pages, 0-8153-2495-2

Vol. 6: Existentialist Politics and Political Theory

376 pages, 0-8153-2496-0

Vol. 7: Existentialist Literature and Aesthetics

376 pages, 0-8153-2497-9

Vol. 8: Sartre's French Contemporaries and Enduring Influences

392 pages, 0-8153-2498-7

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