Warlock O' Glenwarlock
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Warlock O' Glenwarlock


作者: George MacDonald
出版年: 2004-1
页数: 472
定价: $ 50.79
ISBN: 9780809597185







The house was very old. It had been built for more kinds of shelter than need to be thought of in our days. For the enemies of our ancestors were not only the cold, and the fierce wind, and the rain, and the snow; they were men also -- enemies harder to keep out than the raging storm or the creeping frost. Hence the more hospitable a house could be, the less must it look what it was: it must wear its face haughty, and turn its smiles inward. The house of Glenwarlock, as it was also sometimes called, consisted of three massive, narrow, tall blocks of building, which showed little connection with each other beyond juxtaposition, two of them standing end to end, with but a few feet of space between, and the third at right angles to the two. In the two which stood end to end, and were originally the principal parts, hardly any windows were to be seen on the side that looked out into the valley; while in the third, which, though looking much of the same age, was of later build, were more windows, but none in the lowest story. Narrow as were these buildings, and four stories high, they had a solid, ponderous look, suggesting a thickness of the walls such as to leave little of a hollow within for the indwellers -- like great marine shells for a small mollusk. On the other side was a kind of a court, completed by the stables and cow houses, and towards this court were most of the windows -- many of them for size more like those in the cottages around, than suggestive of a house built by the lords of the soil. . . .

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