Professional Feature Writing
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Professional Feature Writing


作者: Bruce Garrison
出版年: 2004-1
页数: 624
定价: $ 183.06
ISBN: 9780805847659







This text offers the basics of news media feature writing and guides motivated beginners down the right path toward success as professional feature writers. It provides advanced writers and reporters a thorough look at newspaper, magazine, newsletter, and online publications, with emphasis on daily newspapers and consumer magazines. Three primary aspects of feature writing are emphasized: introduction and writing skills/basics, article types, and the collegiate and professional writing life. Each chapter includes excerpts and complete articles from some of the nation's leading publications that illustrate points made in the text. The book provides a wide variety of perspectives and experiences of both young and experienced writers, editors, publishers, and professors. Emphasizing writing values that should strengthen a new writer's journalistic practices, readers will gain insights and expertise from the narrative, the advice of professionals, and current writing examples. Also included are lists of tips, observations, in-depth looks at both young and veteran writers, guidelines, sources, and story ideas. As such, this volume aims to be a solid tour of the forms and approaches to feature writing. Building on introductory writing and reporting skills, the text is written for advanced students, and as such it is filled with good advice for writing a wide variety of features.

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