Computers as Cognitive Tools
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Computers as Cognitive Tools


出版年: 1993-6
页数: 416
定价: $ 73.39
ISBN: 9780805810820







To determine what alternatives to the traditional model-tracing paradigm are now emerging, and why, this book examines samples of recent work in the instructional technology field. Topics range from development of new model-tracing diagnostic systems on the one hand, to the deliberate elimination of intelligence from educational computing altogether on the other. Because some authors continue to focus on constructing, perfecting or evaluating systems based on student modelling, diagnosis, and tutorial intervention, the editors see their work as built largely on a so-called "traditional" ITS paradigm which contributes substantially to the perpetuation and evolution of the model-builder camp. However, this book also describes instructional systems that clearly are not intelligent tutors, emerging from a somewhat iconoclastic camp of non-modelling system builders, who have rejected many theoretical assumptions underlying the ITS approach and have embraced a constructivist vision of the learner as social "tool user". Finally, there are a number of "middle-road" projects that exemplify especially interesting and complex marriages of both modelling and non-modelling perspectives and technologies. Such marriages represent important dialectical mergers that help reconcile theoretical differences between camps and that, in fact, define a new mainstream for instructional technology research in the coming decade.

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