Proceedings of the Fifth European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work - ECSCW '97
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Proceedings of the Fifth European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work - ECSCW '97


作者: John A·Hughes  |  Tom Rodden
出版年: 1997-1
页数: 400
定价: $ 111.87
ISBN: 9780792346388







The emergence of network facilities and the increased availability of personal computer systems over the last decade has seen the development of interest in the use of computers to support co-operative work. This volume presents the proceedings of the fifth European conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). This is a multidisciplinary area which embraces both the development of new technologies and an understanding of the relationship between technology and society. This volume contains a collection of papers that encompass activities in the field. It includes contributions addressing distribute virtual environments, the use of the Internet, studies of work and emerging models, and theories and techniques to support the development of co-operative applications. The papers present emerging technologies alongside new methods and approaches to the development of this important class of applications. The work in this volume represents the current research and practice within CSCW. The collection of papers presented here should appeal to both researchers and practitioners alike, as they combine an understanding of the nature of work with the possibilities offered by new technologies.

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