What Works in Drug Abuse Epidemiology
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What Works in Drug Abuse Epidemiology


作者: Blanche Frank  |  Ronald Simeone
出版年: 1996-3
页数: 160
定价: $ 90.34
ISBN: 9780789060433







This excellent overview of the state-of-the-art drug abuse epidemiology provides the necessary information to approach the first step in solving the drug abuse problem--describing and identifying all the elements that contribute to it. These lively and descriptive accounts of drug abuse epidemiology guide drug abuse researchers, public health experts, and social scientists as they gather and evaluate critical drug abuse information for the particular population they serve. Authoritative contributors offer practical advice regarding what works in drug abuse epidemiology, what doesn't work, and the reasons why. First-hand knowledge on ethnographic strategies, surveillance techniques, and practical approaches for professionals, previously with few resources and little expertise, will keep them on the cutting edge of this field. What Works in Drug Abuse Epidemiology provides a variety of examples of epidemiologic research methods concentrating on three major themes. The approaches and findings of epidemiological efforts nationally and internationally are presented, demonstrating the adaptability of methods under the varying cultural and political climates of the United States, Mexico, Great Britain, and European countries. Chapters are included which offer strategies for studying hard-to-reach populations that are especially at risk, specifically black youth living in ghettos and homeless people in public shelters. Particularly useful to professionals developing epidemiological strategies are discussions of creative, non-traditional studies for such problems as designer drugs, and drug use on the streets of New York City which assist drug abuse epidemiologists in developing strategies to get at the heart of specific drug abuse problems.

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