Stories Trainers Tell
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Stories Trainers Tell


作者: Mary B·Wacker  |  Lori L·Silverman  |  Bob Pike Betsy
出版年: 2003-4
页数: 432
定价: 434.00元
ISBN: 9780787964368







Make challenging concepts more memorable, even unforgettable! "Stories Trainers Tell" is full of fun, entertaining, and useful stories that help bring any training alive. Use it and watch people smile and learn!' - Ken Blanchard, coauthor, The One Minute Manager[registered] and Whale Done![trademark] Telling stories is a powerful way to make a point, especially when the stories are compelling, well-constructed, and poignant. This book captures thought-provoking stories contributed by trainers, nationally known speakers, consultants, business leaders, educators, and professional storytellers that help make challenging ideas and abstract concepts stick. The stories are organized around major organizational development and training themes, such as leadership, diversity, teamwork, performance and coaching, and customer service.Accompanying each story are tips, debriefing questions, key points, and a follow-up activity to maximize its impact and learning potential. Includes a free CD-ROM with narrative readings of each story! Contributors include: Merrill Anderson, Jean Barbazette, Joe Barnes, Paula Bartholome, Chip Bell, Geoff Bellman, William Austin Boone, Sharon L. Bowman, Karen D. L.Byrson, Chris Clarke-Epstein, Hortencia Delgadillo, Larry English, Marcy Fisher, Suzann Gardner, Joan Gillman, Steve Hanamura, Lunell Haught, Sandra Hoskins, Katherine M. Hudson, David Hutchens, Joan Lloyd, Kate Lutz, Robert McIlree, Maureen G. Mulvaney, Kathy A. Nielsen, Clare Novak, Julie O'Mara, Laura V. Page, Jonathan M. Preston, John Renesch, Shelley R. Robbins, Marcia Ruben, Sheriene Saadati, Edward E. Scannell, L.G. Shanklin-Flowers, Bob Shaver, Doug Stevenson, Ed Tate, Sivasailam 'Thiagi' Thiagarajan, and David Zach.

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