Lost in Cyberspace
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Lost in Cyberspace


作者: Alan Richter  |  Carol Willett
出版年: 2002-1
页数: 24
定价: 180.00元
ISBN: 9780787959845







Get "Lost in Cyberspace" and discover if you are up to the mental challenge of taking part as a member in a global virtual team that will gain the trust of a prospective client and ultimately win their business. Get "Lost in Cyberspace" and determine what's most important...email access? fast internet connections? virtual meeting capability? Virtual team veterans? trust and respect among team members? You will collaborate with your team to reach your goal and put to the test the theory that in today's economy you must be able to work with anyone, anytime, from anyplace - via technology. During the course of the activity unravel the mysteries of whiteboard applications, instant messaging software, asynchronous communication, and much more. Once the exercise is completed, your team will compare their final answers with experts from the information technology and human resource fields. Get "Lost in Cyberspace" and you will sharpen your skills as general problem solver, teamworker, and consensus decision maker and gain first-hand experience using the tools of today's global economy. This fast-paced exercise should enhance the abilities of anyone who uses teams and technology to...

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