Monitoring, Measuring and Managing Customer Service
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Monitoring, Measuring and Managing Customer Service


作者: Gary S·Goodman
出版年: 2000-4
页数: 192
定价: 318.00元
ISBN: 9780787951399







Improving customer service isn't a matter of finding better customer service reps. As Dr. Gary Goodman states, "We can all provide superior service, time and time again, providing we have fully defined what it is, and we have trained our people to deliver it. " In this book Goodman identifies the core behaviors that make up excellent customer serviceas defined by the customerand provides managers with a set of proven tools for promoting and maintaining it, transaction after transaction. Using methods that have been developed and field tested to consistently produce award-winning levels of service at Xerox, Polaroid, DuPont, and other top companies, Goodman shows managers how to train their reps to replicate a well-thought-out and highly productive service routine, in person and over the telephone. Goodman identifies the twenty-four communication factors that promote customer service and presents TEAMeasures (Telephone Effectiveness Assessment Measures) to help managers measure telephone effectiveness, call quality, and customer satisfaction. He also introduces SEAMeasures (Supervisor Effectiveness Assessment Measures) to help companies evaluate the effectiveness of their team leaders, supervisors, and customer service managers. Goodman examines a wealth of real-life episodes of first-class service to illustrate what happened and show how each event can be repeated. He identifies the specific benefits that good service personnel provide and how those benefits translate into lasting customer loyalty. And he gives managers explicit criteria for measuring success and for recruiting, motivating, and retaining quality customer service personnel. With a focus on the management and organizational issues that make good customer service possible, Monitoring, Measuring, and Managing Customer Service helps companies with a corporate commitment to excellent customer service develop first-class customer service departments.

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