The Guidebook for Performance Improvement
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The Guidebook for Performance Improvement


作者: R·Kaufman  |  Roger Kaufman  |  Sivasailam Thiagarajan
出版年: 1996-11
页数: 650
定价: 578.00元
ISBN: 9780787903534







The ultimate resource for improvement and planning!This treasure trove of information gives you expert direction for helping your organization and its employees improve performance. Unlike most resources on organizational improvement that consider only the micro-- (individual) and macro-- (organization) levels, this guide incorporates the mega-- (customer/client) level in planning success.Among the many leading contributors to this volume are: aeo Dale M. Brethower aeo Diane Dormant aeo Judith Hale aeo Roger Kaufman aeo Danny G. Langdon aeo Bette Madson aeo Ann W. Parkman aeo Sivasailam "Thiagi" Thiagarajan aeo Odin Westgaard aeo Jack Zigon ...and many more! Youa ll learn vital performance improvement steps including: aeo Defining objectives and ensuring that they are useful aeo Determining what results to achieve aeo Designing and implementing interventions, programs, and activities that will achieve results aeo Planning appropriate evaluation efforts ...and much more! The Guidebook for Performance Improvement draws on all the current improvement approaches----quality, reengineering, job--task analysis, reward programs, and others----synthesizes those ideas, and offers you a wide range of success strategies to maximize workplace performance. A desk reference like no other, this book gives you cutting--edge tips and techniques for achieving organizational breakthroughs.Selected Contents:----The Origins and Critical Attributes of Human Performance Technology aeo Research and Development Origins of Performance Systems aeo Social Responsibility aeo ----A Strategic--Planning Framework: Mega Planning aeo Preparing Performance Indicators and Objectives aeo Needs--Assessment Basics aeo Business--Unit Performance Analysis and Development aeo Organizational Mapping aeo Job--Task Analysis aeo ----The Hierarchy of Interventions aeo Applications of Total Quality Concepts to Organizational Effectiveness aeo Developing Front--line Employees: A New Challenge for Achieving Organizational Effectiveness aeo Job Aids aeo Recruitment and Turnover aeo Accountability for Staff Turnover aeo Performance Management aeo Program Management: Its Relationship to the Project aeo Rewards and Performance Incentives aeo Developing Test and Assessment Items aeo Quality Management/Continuous Improvement aeo Performance Appraisal

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