At the Global Crossroads
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At the Global Crossroads


作者: Peter White
出版年: 2004-5
页数: 120
定价: $ 31.58
ISBN: 9780773527324







"At the Global Crossroads" explores the many facets of a globalised world economy. This collection ranges from discussions of the global economic challenges of the twenty-first century to the particular economic opportunities for Canada and Latin America; from recession in the globalised economy to humanitarian aid for people displaced by conflict within their own country. "At the Global Crossroads" provides valuable and significant perspectives on global issues that affect all of us. Sylvia Ostry is one of Canada's foremost public servants. She reached the rank of deputy minister of the Canadian public service at the age of forty-five and served with distinction in three different federal departments as well as directing the Economic Council of Canada. She spent four years as chief economist at the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development, and was appointed the prime minister's personal representative for the Economic Summit from 1985 to 1988. After leaving the public service of Canada, she became successively chairman of the National Council of the Canadian Institute of International Affairs, chancellor of the University of Waterloo, and chairman of the Centre for International Studies at the University of Toronto, where she is currently a Distinguished Research Fellow at the Munk Centre. The Sylvia Ostry Foundation was established in April 1991 by several of Sylvia Ostry's Canadian friends and admirers with the objective of sponsoring a major annual or biennial lecture in Canada on the global economic or financial system. At the Global Crossroads is a collection of the six lectures given to date. Contributors are Sadoka Ogata, from 1990-2000 United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees; Jacques Delors, former president of the European Commission; Michael Camdessus, managing director of the International Monetary Fund from 1987-2000; Renato Ruggiero, director general of the World Trade Organization from 1995-1999 and former minister of Foreign Affairs, Government of Italy; Enrique V. Iglesias, president of the Inter-American Development Bank; and Paul Volcker, former chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve.

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