The Comprehensive Russian-English Dictionary of Computer Terms
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The Comprehensive Russian-English Dictionary of Computer Terms


作者: Paul Druker  |  Yury Avrutin  |  P·Z·Druker
出版年: 1999-8
页数: 392
定价: 679.00元
ISBN: 9780769500744







This new dictionary contains 30,000 computer-related entries divided equally between the English and Russian languages. The authors have compiled a modern dictionary with concise and comprehensive lexicon. What sets this dictionary apart from other available publications is inclusion of useful Russian-English translations and outdated word lists. The dictionary includes many new terms including words that did not exist - particularly in the Russian language - as recently as a year ago. An emphasis is placed on new terminology revolving around the Internet. Whenever possible, the book lists both existing Russian equivalents to foreign terms and widely accepted transliterations. A rather unorthodox linear-alphabetical dictionary organization combined with numerous cross-references makes it easy to locate desired terms as well as additional, contextually related translations. Readers may find two types of articles in the dictionary - a main article consisting of a term and its translations and a second listing a term which may be an abbreviation, an acronym, or a form of a term that does not require its own translation. The English-Russian section lists speech, groups, and cross-references in English with explanations in Russian. The Russian-English section is the opposite. An Internet version will contain the dictionary in its entirety as well as forms where readers can submit corrections and additions for incorporation into future versions.

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