Another Chance
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Another Chance


作者: Frank Lowe
出版年: 2005-9
页数: 184
定价: $ 15.76
ISBN: 9780595363872







If one night you met Max Neal, a darkly handsome nineteen-year-old who was turning tricks on the streets of Denver, and asked him what had brought him to this life-he wouldn't have told you the truth. And he wouldn't have told you about his love affair with power. It was his hunger for power that precipitated the roundabout and sacrilegious journey that led to his popular, charismatic priesthood. But Max eventually learns that power cannot protect him from his destiny. His life soon becomes inextricably entangled with those of three very different priests and a suicidal young vagrant. The secrets from the past could lead to dangerous consequences or forbidden love-and could cost him everything he has worked to become. Max deals with his life in the only way he has known up to this point-he flees from the situation by assuming someone else's identity. Max continues to run from himself and his past until the day that he finally comes to the realization that he doesn't even know who he is anymore. Only by rediscovering himself will he be able to look forward to the future, free from the anguish and torment of his troubled past.

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