Confessions Of A Country Boy
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Confessions Of A Country Boy


作者: George G·Motz
出版年: 2005-5
页数: 228
定价: $ 18.02
ISBN: 9780595351985







CONFESSIONS is a collection of stories from a practical joker that plays up the 'Ol' Country Boy' routine mainly for the benefit of the tourists. Many of the local people will identify with the players in these comedies and philosophical stories, as Motz is a practical joker and has been known to instigate many a misunderstanding, or to feign innocence to initiate a comic and embarrassing situation. An innocent in a world of hunters, fishermen and other liars, Motz goes out of his way to make you laugh, sometimes at his expense and often at the expense of others, who try to show how sophisticated they are. His first story about going hunting for raccoons and the misunderstandings which can occur is classic. For many years, Motz was a newspaper columnist and his humor is sometimes sarcastic, sometimes banal, sometimes self-edifying, sometimes quixotic, but never has it been dull. In many of the stories, morality suffers on the surface, only to emerge in some twisted and perverse manner later on. The often wry or cutting humor will make you read with concentration, for fear of missing some hidden fact or quirky twist of fate. You will laugh at times and you will just shake your head at others, but you will not find these observations and stories boring. And when you finally put this book down, you will reflect many times later on about how a single misunderstanding or double meaning can change a single story or single life. You will also have a deeper appreciation of the humor of a modern rural America, the world of the author.

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