Mama Can't Hurt Me
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Mama Can't Hurt Me


作者: Mbugua Ndiki
出版年: 2005-5
页数: 248
定价: $ 19.15
ISBN: 9780595346738







"Mama Can't Hurt Me" is the heartrending tale of Wairimu, a lonely country girl who struggles to find independence while quietly suffocating in a strict Christian upbringing. Craving adventure and excitement, she is immediately attracted to Ali, a young man surrounded by a seemingly mysterious and aristocratic aura. Wairimu has a secret admirer--Samuel, a born-again Christian who tries to warn her that Ali is a liar and womanizer who is not to be trusted with her innocence. But Wairimu is not convinced that Ali has undesirable intentions, and she continually sneaks off into the city, where Ali eventually steals her virginity. Her world begins to crumble as she discovers she is pregnant with an illegitimate child who will never be accepted by her staunch Christian family. Called a whore by her parents, Wairimu is chased away from her home and is forced to head back to the city--where she is immediately confronted with the grim realities of life on the streets. Wairimu must take a soul-searching journey, filled with abuse, guilt, betrayal, and raw greed--but with the unconditional love and support from one faithful friend, she will eventually learn that a life lived with regrets is no life at all.

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