Bread Reflections and Family Distractions
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Bread Reflections and Family Distractions


作者: Dolores Clark Haggerty
出版年: 2004-9
页数: 180
定价: $ 18.02
ISBN: 9780595330218







The Basic white, sweet and dark-bread recipes and directions are for one loaf or five loaves. The time necessary from start to finish for one loaf or for five loaves is two hours. If you have never made bread, begin with the one-loaf recipe. You will appreciate the explicit directions. If you have baked bread before - with poor results - the explicit directions will encourage you to bake bread again. Because the baker should not have to refer back and forth to various pages to bake bread, the ingredients and directions for each Basic recipe - white, sweet and dark - are written in full. Before you begin to bake bread, look to the chapter "Mix, Knead, Bake and Serve" and plan your bread making. After you have baked bread a few times, look to "Ingredients That Change Bread Taste and Texture," and design your bread recipes. In the chapter on Tasty Toppings and Wholesome Meals, there are sweet and savory toppings for dough and bread along with recipes for energizing previously baked breads. In the chapter "Reflecting on Your Diet," there is additional information relating to bread/nutrition.

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