Kicking the BIG BUT Syndrome
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Kicking the BIG BUT Syndrome


作者: Eddie Conner
出版年: 2004-8
页数: 176
定价: $ 20.28
ISBN: 9780595321810







Every second millions of Americans are infected with the BIG BUT SyndromeTM and every minute another million people's dreams are riddled with negative emotion and extinguished. Are you one of the countless, hard working people desperately attempting to make your dreams a reality, BUT you can't seem to get where you want to go? "Kicking the BIG BUT Syndrome" provides practical ways to kick your own BUT and enhance your love, money and career. Praise for "Kicking the BIG BUT Syndrome" "Eddie Conner has written an exuberant, enlightening book on the "Yeah buts" that muddle up our thinking and stop us from our good. When your BIG BUT gets you down, pick up this entertaining treasure filled with wonderful tools to lighten your load." --Chellie Campbell Author of "The Wealthy Spirit" "This book shows you how to get your beliefs and your desires on the same energy level. From this new perspective, you will be able to soar your way to success." --John Livesay Author of "The 7 Most Powerful Selling Secrets" "By following Eddie's advice in this lively, funny book, I was able to kick my own BUT problem and begin living a richer, fuller, BUT-free life " --Brian A. Wilson Hollywood Writer/Director

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