I'LL Walk You Home
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I'LL Walk You Home


作者: Nellotie Chastain
出版年: 2003-10
页数: 52
定价: $ 10.11
ISBN: 9780595296798







As excruciating pain explodes in his head, Jesse Porter, a missionary in Southeastern Kentucky, vainly struggles to make his plight known. In the dense fog of pain and confusion, he hears a familiar voice--a voice that has been but a memory for the past 25 years. What on earth is going on--or, is this earth? As he reaches for her extended hand, Jesse realizes that all his pain has disappeared like a wisp of smoke in a gust of wind. He experiences several more unexpected surprises as she escorts him through a brief period of time God has given him to say goodbye to this life and the memories that are so dear to him. Then, she offers to walk hand in hand with him on the final journey from this earthly home to...Home. Is there a reason he would refuse to go? Forged in the crucible of loss and grief, "I'll Walk You Home," emerges as a story that is personal, moving, and so inspiring. This book is a story about the sudden death of a much loved and adored father. It is also a story of hope, love, and eternal life in Jesus. "I'll Walk You Home"--Jesse Porter's journey from this life to Home.

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