Necessary Journey
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Necessary Journey


作者: Journey360
出版年: 2004-1
页数: 132
定价: $ 15.76
ISBN: 9780595293780







This "Necessary Journey" through the pleasure, pain and passion of being alive is seductive as sin and as promising as redemption. With an unblinking eye it offers a raw and sometimes devastating look at self and society. Come and explore a series of destinations faced and examined in this riveting emotional and spiritual sojourn. Experience the doubts, angst and ecstasy of searching for and knowing love; the struggle to keep and the anguish of having to let it go. Embrace this glimpse inside a soul that lashes out at social injustices and mourns what is fast becoming our lost generation. Share the despair of parents trying to keep their children in school, struggling not to lose them to the streets and the lure of easy money. Question the value system that lauds rap stars as heroes while glorifying a lifestyle that comes with a body count. Look closely within yourself and then back at institutionalized religions replete with their plastic gods, false prophets and malevolent deities. "Necessary Journey" is a middle passage of mind, body and spirit in pursuit of the freedom of self-possession. At once demanding and pleading, sinful and righteous, this is poetry with a pulse.

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