Head First PHP & MySQL(中文版)
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Head First PHP & MySQL(中文版)


出版社: 中国电力
原作名: Head First PHP & MySQL
译者: 苏金国  |  徐阳
出版年: 2010-6
页数: 774
定价: 98.00元
丛书: O'Reilly深入浅出系列
ISBN: 9787512305137







Michael Morrison与电脑世界结下不解之缘的开端,就是他的第一台个人电脑TI-99/4A,配件包括至高无上的人体工程学键盘、黑白TV“显示器”,还有那甜美的卡式带存储系统。往后的岁月里,他又曾拥有过其他电脑“玩具”,不过仍然时时怀念着当年在TI上把玩Parsec、在后院玩Nerf足球的日子。


事实上,面对“深入浅出”系列的写作时,不可能有准备好的那一天。选择墨菲斯手中的红色药丸,进入Head First黑客帝国(Matrix)的世界,已经是最佳准备途径了。当Michael从另一个世界中醒来后,身上也还残留着智力较量下的淤青,他看待学习(与教学)的眼光完全不一样了。这是多么令人兴奋的一件事啊!现在这个时候,他大概正与老婆一起在鲤鱼池边,反思着交互性万维网的神妙之处。

Lynn Beighley is a fiction writer stuck in a technical book writer's body. Upon discovering that technical book writing actually paid real money, she learned to accept and enjoy it. After going back to school to get a Masters in Computer Science, she worked for the acronyms NRL and LANL. Then she discovered Flash, and wrote her first bestseller. A victim of bad timing, she moved to Silicon Valley just before the great crash. She spent several years working for Yahoo! and writing other books and training courses. Finally giving in to her creative writing bent, she moved to the New York area to get an MFA in Creative Writing. Her Head First-style thesis was delivered to a packed room of professors and fellow students. It was extremely well received, and she finished her degree, finished Head First SQL, and just finished Head First PHP & MySQL. Whew!

Lynn loves traveling, writing, and making up elaborate background stories about complete strangers. She's a little scared of UFOs.


Michael Morrison与电脑世界结下不解之缘的开端,就是他的第一台个人电脑TI-99/4A,配件包括至高无上的人体工程学键盘、黑白TV“显示器”,还有那甜美的卡式带存储系统。往后的岁月里,他又曾拥有过其他电脑“玩具”,不过仍然时时怀念着当年在TI上把玩Parsec、在后院玩Nerf足球的日子。


事实上,面对“深入浅出”系列的写作时,不可能有准备好的那一天。选择墨菲斯手中的红色药丸,进入Head First黑客帝国(Matrix)的世界,已经是最佳准备途径了。当Michael从另一个世界中醒来后,身上也还残留着智力较量下的淤青,他看待学习(与教学)的眼光完全不一样了。这是多么令人兴奋的一件事啊!现在这个时候,他大概正与老婆一起在鲤鱼池边,反思着交互性万维网的神妙之处。

Lynn Beighley is a fiction writer stuck in a technical book writer's body. Upon discovering that technical book writing actually paid real money, she learned to accept and enjoy it. After going back to school to get a Masters in Computer Science, she worked for the acronyms NRL and LANL. Then she discovered Flash, and wrote her first bestseller. A victim of bad timing, she moved to Silicon Valley just before the great crash. She spent several years working for Yahoo! and writing other books and training courses. Finally giving in to her creative writing bent, she moved to the New York area to get an MFA in Creative Writing. Her Head First-style thesis was delivered to a packed room of professors and fellow students. It was extremely well received, and she finished her degree, finished Head First SQL, and just finished Head First PHP & MySQL. Whew!

Lynn loves traveling, writing, and making up elaborate background stories about complete strangers. She's a little scared of UFOs.



1 充满生机:静态页面赋予生命

2 如何连接在一起:连接 mysql

3 创建你自己的数据:创建与填充数据库

4 你的web应用:现实的实际应用

5 如果数据库还不够:使用存储在文件中的数据

6 假想他们都在搜寻你:保证应用安全

7 还记得我吗?构建个性化web应用

7 分享就是关爱:消除重复代码

8 收获数据:控制你的数据,世界在你手中

9 通过函数改善生活:串与定制函数

10 替换规则:正则表达式

11 绘制动态图像:数据可视化……以及更多!

12 与世界连接:合成与web服务

i (我们没有谈到的)十大主题:其他

ii 搭建舞台:建立开发环境

iii 还可以更多:扩展php

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