Remember Africa
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Remember Africa


作者: C·Gonzalez F
出版社: Publish America
出版年: 2006-10
页数: 186
定价: $ 28.19
ISBN: 9781424141883







When James begins pursuing Alison, who has committed herself to go to Africa as a missionary, his friends and family doubt there can be any future between them. Yet, James surprises everyone by marrying her and going to Africa with a team of missionaries to help a needy orphanage there. Nobody can deny that God has called James to be in Africa, with Alison, as the orphanage thrives after the team arrives. And so it is a shock when James returns home, suddenly, after three years of being gone, now a single father. Broken and angry, James is unable to find peace with God as he struggles to rebuild the shattered pieces of his life. But James starts to find healing from an unexpected place and he begins to believe, again, that God does send angels in our darkest hour of need. Elaine is heartbroken when James marries Alison and moves to Africa. She had loved him since she was ten years old and even after knowing she may never see him again, he still remained painfully in her heart. Over time, and with the patient love of Michael, Elaine begins to move on from her thoughts of James as well as her hurt over losing him. But when James returns home, Elaine realizes that her love may never die when his return threatens to destroy the life she had begun with someone else. As Elaine struggles to seek God in the midst of her disillusionment, she knows a choice must be made, and yet it seems that any choice Elaine can make ends with sacrifice and pain as she prays for Godas intervention.

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