Tales and Doggerel of a Traveling Man
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Tales and Doggerel of a Traveling Man


作者: Daniel Parks
页数: 188
定价: $ 14.63
ISBN: 9781424138661







Daniel Parks was born in San Diego, California, in 1942. He graduated from Point Loma High School in 1960 and, after spending several years at San Diego City College, he enlisted in the U.S. Navy. Daniel and his wife, Sheila, have spent forty-one years together traveling the landscape of America, while at the same time raising four children. They now have eleven grandchildren. Daniel has worked in engineering for the past forty years, developing new and unique products for military and commercial applications. In the process, this has given the Parks family the opportunity to live and work in twelve different states, mostly in the western part of the U.S. Those experiences provided Daniel with much of the material contained in this bookafrom the snows of Iowa to the swamps of Louisiana, to the western lore of Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona, and the mountains and sea shores of California and Oregon. Danielas first book, a novel entitled Gold River Canyonas Dead, was released by PublishAmerica in 2006. That story is about three unlikely people that were thrown together in an adventure in the western Rocky Mountains in search of a lost mining town. Their quest became a two-year mission of three-dimensional proportionsadiscovery, danger and death.

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